
The reception for the forum in Lesotho last week was awesome, we found the Basotho waiting for us at the border – the journey had been postponed several times. Initially the Basotho were supposed to come to Harare for training in August for a regional training but they cancelled at the last minute- they feared human trafficking!

Someone warned the 5 nationals to be wary of human trafficking and the 5 people who had gathered to come to Zim understandably developed cold feet! Someone without enough information about the country did a good job to discourage people from travelling to Zimbabwe.

So other countries did send representatives for training in Harare except Lesotho. We had Malawi, Botswana, Swaziland, South Africa coming for training except the Mountain Kingdom. So the trip to Lesotho was a special one as they got to appreciate that the forum is a legit forum and we just love empowerment!

Hospitable treatment in Maseru and we hope to carry out more follow ups because we would like to see the success of our training. The lady in the picture has already registered a company! A great success as we influence the formation of companies in Southern Africa- we already have Mpumalanga Real Queens in Action company and this one called PCEE Tapestry becomes a Zim inspired company.

The reason of forming companies is simple- to be taken seriously, to access funding and grow! The good thing about Lesotho- is that there are a lot of funding opportunities and just like Zim the problem is most people do not know about them. We had to show trainees various funding opportunities from bodies such as BEDCO. We had more information on Opportunities than locals? The message is government should review how they communicate with citizens, few now read newspapers especially the young generation. They should critically review the effectiveness of various media platforms and ensure a consolidated strategy of communication. If people in cities fail to know of opportunities written in newspapers, how about the rural folk? This applies to all governments in Southern Africa

Platform Review
Facebook is now providing group statistics a good yardstick of measuring forum effectiveness. Our forum top posts are attracting an average of 4,000 views per day! A great achievement for the prime forum formed to discuss business opportunities. Add to this the 5,000 unique monthly visitors to our website and this is great news. We however hope to use Facebook Boosting and reach out to millions of Africans in the coming months. The buzz thing in Africa is Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship- if you have no message on Entrepreneurship then your relevance is at stake! So having succeeded on the group in Zim and expanding to the region, in the coming months expect us to go continental…..great opportunities await Zim Entreprenuers, so keep watching the space.

What’s Up?
Bitcoin, Bitcoin and more Bitcoin. We will share more information and also create a group on Bitcoin.

Wishing you a blessed week.

Ntate Victor


Ntate Victor

The author Ntate Victor

Ntate Victor is a Chartered Management Accountant, ACMA, CGMA and an award winning business coach and consultant. Author of 6 books and skilled in financial analysis, strategic planning, risk management, and business coaching. Contact +263 773 055 063