Diaspora Matters

Strategic Positioning for Starlink Opportunities in Zimbabwe


Most of the emerging opportunities in the world are related to tech. It is therefore critically important to analyse future tech change introductions and be in the right position at the right time! The last big opportunity to make huge impact in Zimbabwe was the short-lived Kwese TV. Massive uptake by Zimbabweans in 2017 and its unfortunate the pay per view television did not last the distance.

Its been 7 years before Zimbabweans got really tech excited and the good news is here good people. The former Minister of ICT, Jenfan Muswere recently confirmed that Starlink had lodged an application to operate in Zimbabwe and that it was under consideration!

There is measured hope that the Elon Musk owned satellite internet provider will get approval by end of year or during the first quarter of next year. After all, our neighbouring countries such as Zambia and Mozambique already have access and Zimbabweans had to be warned by Potraz against illegal access. So huge buzz going around.

In a country with internet access challenges, the news of Starlink could be the best tech news in recent years and locals are waiting to tap into associated opportunities.

What could be the opportunities?

We may need to refer back to the introduction of mobile telecommunication in the country at the turn of the century. Agents distribution opportunities in urban and rural areas. There is no way Starlink will be able to meet demand by working alone-they will need local support through partners. How do you become an agent? What are the requirements? The responsibility is upon you to figure out.

Market Access: Typical of new techs, the introduction phase will see premium priced products but over time the prices will stabilise as witnessed across Europe where the price of the decoders has dropped from US$450 to $100. Therefore the early birds to reap huge rewards but it will only be for the short to medium run. Starlink modems will become hot property and imported from neighbouring countries.

The first uptake likely to be on a B2B Model with big and small businesses jumping in-this also includes NGOs, rural district councils and schools. The next big market will be hire to buy credit facilities especially for civil servants and other big corporate employees. The third one will be individuals. Strategically position yourself considering the above. The bonus is factoring in the presence of diasporas as active buying decision makers!

On a flip side, we could witness counterfeit decoders, fake crowdfunding initiatives or even outright Ponzi schemes. Of course there is more you can add and the last tip is for you to visit Zambia and study how Starlink launched and then develop a comprehensive business plan.

Do not wait for the signal of approval of the licence-be proactive and ready to launch your marketing campaigns the next hour after approval.

Hoping you find this useful.


Ntate Victor

The author Ntate Victor

Ntate Victor is a Chartered Management Accountant, ACMA, CGMA and an award winning business coach and consultant. Author of 6 books and skilled in financial analysis, strategic planning, risk management, and business coaching. Contact +263 773 055 063