
We are a prolific producer of small business material. Our members are always discussing various business issues affecting them. From Agric, Mining, Digital Marketing, Poultry, Financial Literacy, Young Entrepreneurs, Dog Breeding, Moz Opportunities to Hybrid Paw Paws…we are a rich forum of business ideas exchange. Every hour, discussions are going on helping to inspire our members. At any given time more than 50 views are on our website checking out material posted. Total number of views of our website posts totalling more than 600.000.

In addition to more than 30 active Whatsapp groups, our FB posts attract up to 100.000 views per month.

Our next move:

Converting our stories or material into short videos. An efficient way of assisting our members. No need to go through lengthy posts or discussions. You just watch a 3 minute summary of key points and you are covered. An initiative from our Young Entrepreneurs Groups…..the youngsters got energy plus a lot of innovation.

Expect a Youtube Channel with tonnes of our videos. We are going to start very slow and by end of next year, we will have followed our website model.

Benefits for our members:

Promoting your businesses beyond the forum. Member features and discussions helping you to reach out to thousands of others across the globe.

Access to funding: Do you have viable small projects in need of scale up and funding? If your story is not known….then it’s tough to attract funding. But if many see your successful small poultry project…they see the chickens, chicken runs, the professional way you do your business-then your funding needs are solved.

Access to markets: Some time back we trained a lady from Marondera, the lady produces great hand made bags…extremely talented but no skills in marketing. The platform will enable people like her to reach out to a lot of clients locally and abroad.

A lot of opportunities for the forum members with this new initiative. Lets see how this pans out.


Ntate Victor

The author Ntate Victor

Ntate Victor is a Chartered Management Accountant, ACMA, CGMA and an award winning business coach and consultant. Author of 6 books and skilled in financial analysis, strategic planning, risk management, and business coaching. Contact +263 773 055 063