
Its not looking good in South Africa for foreign truck drivers as they are facing daily harassment and attacks on the roads. Locals especially in KwaZulu Natal are pushing their leaders to take drastic actions of banning all foreign drivers and replacing them with locals.

Only a daily basis, truck drivers are being targeted with a number of deaths recorded and unrecorded by reported on a weekly basis. Matters are coming to a head next week on 2nd September 2019 when an industrial action has been called by locals giving all foreign drivers to stay off the road. This has a huge impact on the transportation of goods in South Africa and the region.

In response, foreign drivers have also come up with a counter move by participating on an industrial action starting on Friday this week and there is a high possibility of border or major high way blockades. If you are travelling this week and the next week one, take into consideration possible disruptions on the high ways.

Advocacy pleas from the foreign truck drivers.

SADC governments to conduct high level negotiations to safeguard the security of drivers and their cargo.

The Zambia High Commission in South Africa has already issued a warning to their citizens on the issue, more governments should do the same.

The issue has the potential to spark xenophobic violence and cause more harm to citizens and regional trade. There is need for high level intervention to this fast deteriorating situation or the opportunity cost will be high.


Ntate Victor

The author Ntate Victor

Ntate Victor is a Chartered Management Accountant, ACMA, CGMA and an award winning business coach and consultant. Author of 6 books and skilled in financial analysis, strategic planning, risk management, and business coaching. Contact +263 773 055 063