Africans just love farming! Give them land and support and they will do wonders- after all farming is the oldest entrepreneurship sector on the continent. Of course there are challenges in terms of access to latest technology and others such as access to capital, markets and other resources. So from our 50,000 strong online community, we advertised for those interested in crowdfunding and the response was overwhelming!
Crowdfarming is the future of farming on the continent as it involves members interested in pooling resources together to enjoy economies of scale and other benefits. One of our forum admins offered the use of his farm to the ZBIN community and technically the forum members now own a piece of land.
Last Suturday witnessed a small group of our members touring the farm located in Beatrice about 37 kilometres from Harare and what an eye opener!
Our proposal for the initiative is the formation of a company wholly owned by interested members and the next proposal is brainstorming on a horticulture business idea which will be conducted by an independent business consultant.
Once this is done we will review the business plan and then contribute funds for the project. Shared resources means we reduce the risk of failure and the pooling of resources means that capital will nolonger be a hurdle in farming! So this is the biggest buzz on our forums and we believe only the sky is the limit.
We are not recruiting too many new members for logistical purposes. We will come and invite more once the project becomes a success and then we will scale it up across the country.
Talk of the power of unity!