
So yesterday I was 70 kilometres away to the East of Harare, what did i see?

Anyway after passing the Mabvuku turn off an idea struck me,

How about a shopping mall at the turn off?

Mabvuku and Tafara residents have not experienced any new developments over the past decades. How about something exciting such as a mall that will also cater for Eastview, Ruwa and Highway Traffic?

Anyway back to the highway.

Surrey Stop Over

The big pies are still tasty and Surrey has replaced Halfway as stop over of choice along the Harare-Mutare Highway.

Big City, Big Mall

Marondera not yet a city but the massive expansion in residential population likely to make this the first City in Mash East🙏🏽

Most of the developments hidden from the highway but Marondera is one of the fastest expanding towns!

Residential area expansions. Looks like the diaspora dollars are doing the trick in oiling the real estate sector.

It’s therefore no suprise why a ‘new’ roofing material manufacturer has set up a plant in Marondera. Who owns it? Looks like the Chinese?

But the biggest news has to be a new massive mall coming up. A sign of Marondera telling the world they mean serious business!

And a town expert summed up the developments in the town.

‘A decade ago I needed 5 litres of fuel to drive around Marondera but today 15 litres not enough’

Looking for land? Put Marondera at the top.

•No traffic congestions,

•No pollution,

•Cost of living affordable,

The only challenge is ZESA but some of the surrounding farms could be turned into Solar Farms?

Our first Premium Chat in 2023 should be on Town Planning and we are inviting Town Planning Experts to tell us about developments around the country.


Victor Muchemwa

The author Victor Muchemwa

Victor Muchemwa is a Chartered Management Accountant, ACMA, CGMA and an award winning business coach and consultant. Author of 5 books and skilled in financial analysis, strategic planning, risk management, and business coaching. Contact +263 773 055 063
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