Social Media in Zimbabwe is buzzing with a story of a young man who proposed marriage to his fiancee at an unusual place, Chicken Inn. The initial reaction has been to berate the young man for proposing at a place considered cheap.
The story ends with many people coming out in full support of the couple with many sponsorship deals for the couple. Our forum would also like to join the scramble for sponsorship of this couple and we are offering the following to them:
- Free 2019 ZBIN membership to ZBIN that allows them access to well researched articles, business plans and discounted trainings.
- Free 2019 Business Opportunities Book for Zimbabweans that carries a lot of entrepreneurship resources and includes a chapter for young people.The book is valued at $30.
- Free 2019 Business Opportunities Book for South Africans which has tonnes of resources on entrepreneurship resources and markets in South Africa and the region.The book is valued at $30.
- Free Digital Marketing Book for Zimbabweans plus a free Digital Marketing Training.
- Free Hat making course worth US$100 for the young lady.
If you know this couple kindly app our admin on +263774081808