
Diaspora Matters

Diaspora Matters

Turn Melfort into a City and not Squatter Camp


Our forum has toured Melfort several times and also made a lot of noise about developing the area into a major city. We have also submitted our proposals to relevant policy makers.

Located 41 kilometres on a dual carriageway from the capital, this is a key strategic area for the country as it is the last gateway to the East.

The area is also blessed with a railway line and thousands of hectares of land which can all be turned into a beautiful modern city that can accommodate more than 100,000 residents and thereby reducing the housing backlog and creating numerous opportunities for various sectors.

Residential stands of up to 50,000,

Commercial stands, shopping malls, universities, tech hubs and more,

Agri plots for those interested in farming,

Great opportunity for the new administration to create a legacy!


  • Proper survey of the area and developing an innovative plan. Engage foreign town planners especially from China where more than 300 new cities are cropping up every year,
  • Chinese planners to work alongside local experts,
  • Invite real estate developers, financial institutions and other investors to invest in the project by developing the area in terms of infrastructure in return for stands for sale,
  • Once infrastructure is in place—invite members of the public to participate in purchasing residential and commercial stands,
  • Minimise corruption! Only those with no other homes should have access to reasonably priced residential stands. Speculators should only be allowed access to pricey residential or commercial stands.

Current developments

Unscrupulous land barons already on the ground parcelling out land to unsuspecting members of the public,

If land barons allowed free play then a HUGE OPPORTUNITY LOST FOR HARARE as the place risks going the unplanned settlement way of slums! We may end up with a Kibera Slum situation which only benefits a few at the expense of the whole nation.

Melfort Opportunities

  • Unlocking construction industry value chain opportunities,
  • Harnessing diaspora investment,
  • Area can be converted into an Export Processing Zone attracting foreign and diaspora investors,
  • Beira Imports Warehouse Facilities: With a significant amount of our imports being imported from Beira, the area can be used by importers for processing, packaging and shipment

The list of opportunities is long but for opportunities to be unlocked, engage leading experts and above all—remove corruption!

China is developing futuristic cities every year –we can learn from them.

Resources Required

Most of the land in the area is lying idle and the government can acquire it for town development purposes,

The role of the government should be provision of an enabling environment and coordinating development,

This is a self financing business model and therefore not much budgetary support required—harness resources from financial institutions, diasporans, locals and others.

So no excuse to say financial resources limitation—ma investors anoda nzvimbo iyi akawandisa, the housing backlog keeps expanding. The wetlands fiasco should be a wakeup call—Harare has run out of land.

It’s our hope that we won’t witness housing cooperatives setting up and dishing out residential stands in a haphazard way. Develop a futuristic city using private sector funds with the government taking the credit for the development.


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Diaspora Matters

Profit Leaks and Developing Strong Systems


Entrepreneurship is made up of 2 sectors namely the science aspect which is what we learnt at school and colleges—accounting, human resources, management, medicine, engineering, law, risk management and more. This is fairly simple as its standardised for instance in accounting, we have accounting standards for guidance—the same for human resources or project management. There are basics followed throughout the world and there are tonnes of material from continuous researches. In Zimbabwe, we do not have a shortage of the science aspect of entrepreneurship as the college system produces surplus of talent in this regard.

The other side of entrepreneurship is the arts side and here anything goes. It is the art of making money! Although there are attempts to apply science to it but still the formula is not clear cut for if it was simple, then everyone would be a multi millionaire or even billionaire!

Which formula did Elon Musk use? Which formula did Strive Masiyiwa use? Some of the secrets are publicly known but this is half the story, there is a whole lot which the public will never know! How do you explain the timing, the grace or even luck and try to create a formula for it? How do you explain that 2 men go fishing, same place, same fishing tools but one gets more than the other? What formula results in big fish biting on Fisherman X and not Fisherman Y? Why do 2 ladies go to Mupedzanhamo, same time, same second hand clothing bales but one quickly sells and the other struggles?

There are continuous researches on the arts side with a lot of material coming up but still we have half the story of outliers. Why has Zimbabwe struggled to produce another Kirsty Coventry? Why have we taken decades to produce another Peter Ndlovu?

The thrust of this post however is on developing strong systems and it’s an area of deep concern as it involves a lot of dynamics.

Without strong systems, losses are the end result!

You can make a lot of sales but without strong systems=losses!

Major Components of Systems

  • Procurement: Getting the best value for money from procurement
  • Storage: Ensuring the best storage for goods limiting losses and ensuring less inconveniences for clients and staff
  • Sales: Maximising sales ensuring efficient revenue collection
  • Financial Management: Getting the best return on funds invested
  • Your Strategy: Strategy that incorporates the business model that will ensure maximum return on funds invested.

It looks simple on paper but in reality it’s not! The systems depend on a team recruited, how they gel, the culture developed, experience in the field, ethics, motivation and more. How the team responds to market dynamics—speed of decision making and goal congruency. What if the team is not working with the same goal with those who invested funds? In the Zimbabwean context, most employees are interested in starting own business ventures. Some will just be buying time to mobilise resources and getting experience and access to business secrets. As soon as they get enough capital, they are out and go on to set rival entities!

Some kombi drivers have gone to buy own kombis using resources from others. How do you protect your business from such employees?

If you are running a bottle store and you are absent, employees can use your own premises during your absence to sell own stuff and getting profits without paying rent. What systems can you implement to safeguard losses?

If you are into farming, employees can sell inputs, sell farm produce or even work at nearby farms. How do you put in controls to protect your capital?

The formula is the simpler the operations, the better controls you can put,

  • For instance if you sell buses, it’s easy to know 10 buses sold, how much profit realised,
  • If running a supermarket with thousands of products handled, the more complex your controls,
  • If you are running an entity for the first time, the bigger the red flag on your controls,
  • If you are running an entity remotely, the higher the possibilities of losses,


Little attention given to systems by many start-ups as they have to overcome many challenges to set up businesses. The first hurdle is access to capital, when overcome, the second hurdle is access to markets, when overcome, next is system losses and most of these hurdles are not budgeted for.

Each hurdle comes at a cost and may even take one’s time and the worst part is you can have many hurdles need your time and focus at the same time. A vehicle engine problem, suspension problem and electronic problem right in the middle of Hwange National Park with lions and hyenas lurking nearby.

So last message—do a lot of researches, get inspired by those already in the field you intend to venture in, outsource system development and monitoring. Do not invest 100% of your funds in a business you have little knowledge and experience in how systems operate—invest gradually and continuously monitor where systems have leaks, plug them and upscale!


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Diaspora Matters

Is Zumbani the next Zvihuta?


Last year around this time, few people around the world knew of the novel pandemic Covid-19. Only China was doing its best tying to manage the pandemic that broke out in the Wuhan Province but failed to contain it leading to a viral infection across the globe that has claimed nearly 2 million people with more than 90 million infected.

What will the situation look like in a years time? With an average of 500,000 new infactions on a daily basis worldwide, its anybody’s guess how many millions would be infected. We are obviously looking at more than 500m infected in 2 years time.

The good news is the discovery of several vaccines from the leading pharmaceutical companies but its still early days yet as the impact is still to be felt with infection numbers infact skyrocketing instead of stagnating.

What happens before the vaccines effectively manage the spread of Covid-19?

We have to keep to WHO guidelines of social distancing, masking up and other hyegiene practices!

The biggest question mark of the pandemic is how have millions of people infected been recovering? Why are there no headlines coverage of recoveries? Why is the world speaking in hushed tones when it comes to recoveries?

If we stick to Zimbabwe, we are going to find underground use of local herbs—Zumbani, Mufandichimuka, Garlic, Onions,  Guava leaves and more.

A new value chain has been created of managing Covid-19 infections with local herbs all of a sudden finding immense value.

Some are packaging the freely available Zumbani and Mufandichimukas and selling them at premium prices! Some entrepreneurs quick to the game have found a way to package and sell them in retail shops. For a packet of 100g of Zumbani team, prices started at US$2 rising to US$6 in some selected retail giants.

Mind you no one has a farm of growing these herbs! Noone is incurring planting, fertilising, labour and herbicide costs. Only collecting and transportation costs…dear reader, welcome to the most profitable agricultural opportunity in the country!

Despite just plucking the herbs from forests, demand keeps spiralling upwards with supplies unable to match the excess demand!

Are authorities going to come and wield an axe over Zumbani, Mufandichimuka and related products like what happened with the quail birds? In the middle of the pandemic—looks highly unlikely unless there is an accident of herbs use that kills many people.

So till vaccines effectively deal with the pandemic  which is going to take several years, then advantage to local herbs!

Our forum members have also been monitoring developments and have created a group which will lead to the formation of a Zumbani Crowdfunding Company.

We wish them the best in helping solve the pandemic and also unlocking opportunities for themselves.


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Diaspora Matters

Stock Exchange Investment Consortium


The year just ended 2020 was horrible year in many aspects—millions of lives lost, millions infected, many businesses in the grave yard and the few which survived still struggling to get back on feet. However there are a few exceptions like local manufacturers who enjoyed brisk business as borders were closed leading to focus and support of locally manufactured products!

For our forum, we can safely say this is the year members came to the party!

We witnessed a great spirit of support with well attended meetings and events. All the behind the scenes hard work finally paid off in 2020 with the forum also witnessing rapid growth from 50,000 members in January 2020 to 92,000 in December 2020.

The number of views for our Facebook Forum also shot up from a monthly 400k to end at 700k providing a rich market place for entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe.

This is also the year Crowdfunding peaked in Zimbabwe with a record 6 companies registered (Agri-volution, Nutricio, Big Ideas Galore, Patsime, Global Runners and Ziglobal Runner). We are looking at adding a record 10 more companies in 2021 starting with a Stock Exchange Consortium.

The performance record of the ZSE in 2020 is featured below:


2019 Closing Value=US$1.8 Billion

2020 Closing Value =US$3.8 Billion

Net gain +115%

Using Parallel Market Rates

2019 value $1.17 Billion

2020 value $2.7 Billion

Net gain +130%


Stock Exchange Investment literacy is very low in the country leading to many easily falling prey to ponzi schemes. We witnessed the collapse of many ponzi schemes in 2020 which is really regrettable. A lot of our members also lost out despite an avalanche of advice we posted interminably.

So in 2021 we are looking at pooling resources into a trust and then exploring opportunities on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange and the Victoria Falls Stock Exchanges. This is a trial run and only for those who are patient enough to invest small amounts—watch closely performance and make decisions to withdraw, remain or invest more.

The forum will engage a reputable stock broker who will assist with all logistics so that we get professional advice. We sold the idea to the forum yesterday (last year) and there has been an overwhelming response—we would like to thank everyone for the interest and input.

To those with little or no financial knowledge on stock exchange investment—this is your perfect learning platform and the knowledge will assist you to invest on your own.

We are going to form the Whatsapp group on the 15th of January 2021 and we will widely share the group links on the forum for those interested in the initiative.

So mark 15 January 2021 on your calendar.


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Diaspora Matters

ZBIN 2020 Awards


We would like to thank you all for the support in 2020. This could be termed the year the forum made the greatest impact since formation 6 years ago. We had well attended events starting in February and March before lockdown–our online trainings also had record attendants, our Seke Tour probably the biggest tour by locals and we wrapped the year with a well attended Awards Ceremony.

Our list of winners;

Youth Entrepreneur : Davidzo Chizhengeni

Crowd funding: Nutricio

Diaspora: BIG (Big Ideas Galore)

Green company: Odilo Linzi

Farming: Arthur Garande

Overall Company of Year: Solar Power Systems

Rural Entrepreneur: Reliance Hamandishe

Woman Entrepreneur: Blessing Machiya

Selfless: Archie Musonza

Suburb: Chitungwiza

Client Service: Charity Mabika

Brand of Year: Solar Power Systems

Correspondent: Emmanuel Dube

Admin of Year: Catherine Shava

Networking: Pastor Webster Gatsi

Company Registration: Kudzi Mafuta

Manufacturer: Obey Nzira Diaspora Impact: Pmb

Community Leadership: Gwendoline Chikofi

Fintech: Cornelius Chibvongodze

Promising brand: Ultrabrite

Arts & Crafts: Burts Consortium

Runner of Year: Mai Munya

Special Recognition: Mr Low (Peter Machakwa)

Digital Marketing: Tofara Online

Business Partner: Capitalk FM

Credit goes to our sponsors: Solar Power Systems, Amplivolt, Agro Aid Trust, Major Murombedzi & Fadzai Katandika


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Diaspora Matters

Ponzi Schemes Handbook Out


With financial literacy missing from the formal educational system, the missing link creates a rich platform for ponzi fraudsters! Apart from a few who study finance and risk management, how do you explain the proliferation of ponzi schemes in the country?

We have compiled a very short handbook on ponzi schemes which we hope will help a few people. We have witnessed a lot of ponzi schemes landing on our shores–warning people against them but with the advice falling on deaf ears.

We hope to do more researches and add depth to the book and formally publish a full book late next year. For now do read the short handbook compiled by the forum.



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Diaspora Matters

Awards for Zimbo Entrepreneurs


One the 19th of December 2020, all eyes by entrepreneurs in Zimbabwe and across the globe will be on the forum awards where we will be honouring our members. We will be holding our first forum awards with 25 categories up for grabs.

It is a small gesture to boost the profiles of our members and also rewarding them for the sterling work they have been doing. The forum plays a crucial role for the more than 9 million small business owners in Zimbabwe.

We are starting on a low note with just 25 categories and in future we hope to make them national and bigger with more categories. We opened the nominations on Monday and closed them today. Overwhelming responses and support from the forum and some of the categories include;

Young Entrepreneur | Woman Entrepreneur| Brand of Year| Green Energy| Inspirational | Farming | Diaspora Brand| Rural Entrepreneur| Digital Marketing|Arts and Crafts| Fintech| Health & Fitness| Manufacturing| Client Service|Correspondent|Culture | Company Registration Consultant and others.

The awards will also coincide with the launch of the ZBIN Women’s Trust our women’s business wing which we hope to inspire thousands to millions of women entrepreneurs across the country and in the diaspora.

Come and meet some of the leading Zbinites already featured on the forum such as Emmanuel Dube our Chief Agronomist, Mr Garande the Paw Paws Farmer, Mr Tsuro and others.

More information on the awards to follow, keep following the forum.


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Diaspora Matters

Zimbos in SA Acquire Land


We have always been challenging Zimbabweans to unite! To unite in every facet of life- be it politics, religion or business. Unity does not mean the absence of diversity but our country suffers from the DNA of individualism and as a result a lot of opportunities do fly away.

Perhaps we have been burnt for far too long–relatives, friends, workmates, neighbours and even pastors. It is difficult to trust anyone in Zimbabwe or even Zimbabweans on foreign soil. Expecting them to come together and support a common cause is almost impossible.

The late Prof Masipula Sithole perhaps summarised it well when he said ‘If you take 2 Zimbos to the moon, the following morning; they would have formed 3 political parties’

The journey to unite Zimbabweans in business has not been any easy, to be honest, we have invested a lot, been patient and slowly there is a glimpse of hope. It is just 1% as there is still need for more time till we get Zimbabweans to work and trust each other in business.

The good news is across Limpopo, the team there has done an excellent job. They formed an investment company and registered it in May 2020. It is by Zimbabweans with BIG AMBITIONS and they named it Big Ideas Galore.

Formed in May, the company acquired land in September 2020. For people who did not know each other on January 1 to meet in January and February and map the way forward in crowdfunding activities, this should be a national record!

BIG’s first AGM

Bringing 25 shareholders together from all over South Africa is a Herculean Task. We have in the past struggled to get 3 people to our meetings! Yes you may see hundreds of entrepreneurs at our events but it certainly was not easy to mobilise them! Getting them to pool resources inorder to conduct business is akin to moving mountains but slowly we are getting there.

BIG did it in style-they held their first AGM on the land they acquired [OWN LAND]. The first project they will be undertaking is a poultry project and venturing into other areas in future.

Poultry House under construction

With an estimated 3m or more Zimbabweans in the diaspora and with diaspora remittances close to a billion dollars yearly, the diaspora economy is bigger than some GDPs of smaller cities in Zimbabwe.

We wish the team well for sowing the seeds, the target is by end of 2030, to have the first Zimbabwean Diaspora Company listed on the JSE and Yes Its Possible.

We congratulate Zbinites in South Africa and challenge the rest of the forumites across the globe to follow the steps.

For inquiries on joining the initiative, do get in touch with Chairman Blessing on +27 65 046 0436


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Diaspora Matters

ZBIN 2020 Scorecard Results


So how has the forum fared in 2020? Well it has been a tough year with the Covid-19 Pandemic wreaking havoc and negatively affecting every facet of life with business not spared. However the forum still managed to register some successes and below we look at some of them.

Crowdfunding: The best output from the forum has been the inspiration members got from the forum and pooling resources in order to form companies. Not easy for people located in different parts of the globe to network and pool resources to form companies. We ignited the spirit of crowdfunding and registered several companies such as;

  • Agri-volution: Agri business initiative formed in January 2020
  • Big Ideas Galore [BIG]: Our South Africa chapter managed to form an own investment company in May 2020
  • Nutricio: An agro processing company of 30 shareholders with an initial paid up capital of US$9k
  • Global Runners Com: A runner services company registered in South Africa in October 2020
  • Patsime: Our biggest crowdfunding initiative to date with a target capital of US$50k

Forum Meetings: Its official, our forum attracted the largest number of members in Zimbabwe! Started on a great note in February with 180 members, increased the tally in March with 200 members before Covid-19 upset the cart in April. We picked up the momentum in October in 2020 with probably the largest local business tour in Zimbabwe with 100 members making it to Seke Tour.

February Meeting

Our RSA chapter joined too holding meetings at the same time with their Zimbabwean counterparts.

The SA Chapter Meeting in February 2020

We also initiated area specific meetings in November that saw the forum holding meetings in Chitungwiza, Ruwa, Monavale, Warren Park, Kuwadzana, Mufakose, Glenview, Budiriro, Bulawayo and Gauteng. These meetings started on a slow note with expectations of more members attending in December and follow on months.

Chitungwiza Meeting in November 2020

Formation of ZBIN Women’s Forum: All is set for the launch of the Women’s Wing of the forum which has a target of mobilising and empowering 90,000 women by2025. The forum has already identified 3 projects they will pursue in 2021.

ZBIN Women’s Forum

Book Launch: Our books are unique for they cover an area not covered in many books and educational materials—opportunities for Zimbabwe! We launched our book at Capitalk Gardens and also got interview coverage on ZTV Good Morning Show. We also published Zimbabwe’s first book on Digital Marketing in May 2020.

Our 2020 Business Opportunities Book

Premium Chats: We introduced Premium Chats that feature our forum members presenting on various topics every Friday evening and the uptake has been encouraging with many presenters coming on board—with solid support forum members.

Record Forum Views: Our Facebook numbers grew to 92,000 as of December 2020 with forum views on a monthly basis shooting from 162,000 to 760,000. The forum  participation is unparalleled in the country for a business forum. This has created a rich platform for access to markets and resource sharing.

 Partnerships: We partnered with Capitalk FM for holding our forum events at their Capitalk Gardens in Chisipite and look forward to more partnerships in 2021

Well attended March Meeting at Capitalk Gardens

ZBIN TV: We launched our Youtube Channel for featuring and boosting the profiles of forum members. We expect more work to boost the network in 2021.

Business Coach of Year Award: To cap all the great work taking place on the forum, we received an award as finalist for the Business Coach of 2020. This means a lot for us to be recognised by the International Coaching and Mentorship Foundation (ICMF)

Victor at the ICMF Awards Ceremony


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Diaspora Matters

Suburb Specific Meetings Photos

Ruwa 2

The fastest growing sector in Zimbabwe is no doubt entrepreneurship! It is attracting all ages, sexes, the employed and unemployed, pensioners, locals and diasporans–almost the whole nation is interested in entrepreneurship.

With Zimbabwe having the second largest informal sector in the world after Bolivia, it is no surprise why the buzz word around the country is how to make income!

Our forum is at the heart of entrepreneurship with more than 92,000 members and growing. The focus has been networking members to unlock opportunities. Is it easy to network members? It is a tall order–a surmountable task. We are trying to do the impossible!

However we have registered great progress starting with record attendances at our meetings in February and March before Covid-19 derailed plans. We picked the pieces in October with a record attendance of our Seke Tour.

Inorder to comply with Covid-19 regulations, we have empowered members to network in their areas of residence and this is likely to pay huge dividends as members link up for business opportunities in clusters and also get a chance to market their businesses.

The attendance has been impressive and with time, Zimbabwe will have plenty of business meetings and fairs–some from our forums and the majority from others.

Below we showcase some of the photos from our weekend meetings.

ZBIN Bulawayo
ZBIN Chitungwiza
ZBIN Warren Park
ZBIN Budiriro, Glenview & Mufakose
ZBIN Harare West
ZBIN Kuwadzana


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