Diaspora Matters

Lessons learnt from Somali Owned Spaza Shops in South Africa


There are a lot of positives that can be learnt by analysing the Somali owned Spaza Shops. First,  the Somalis are hardworking people. In Zimbabwe I used to  see them walking along the Harare-Mutoko Road bound for South Africa. These guys will be having no luggage…Comrades and Friends..these guys will be having absolutely NOTHING in terms of possession. Vanenge vangori mawoko zvavo vachifamba in silence vakananga SA.

We are  not sure where they go to in Harare, but we have  never seen them walking on the stretch of the road  between Harare and Beitbridge. Perhaps they get sponsors in Harare who fund their travel  to South Africa? Perhaps they get cheaper transport to South Africa? We  do not have all the answers but  sometimes  we see them at the Beitbridge Border Post and after that they disappear into South Africa.

The next news I hear about these Somalis is that they would have set up some small shops in South Africa…they would have set up what are called Spaza shops?

Now our  question is who provides them with capital? Why is it other nationals do not dominate the Spaza shops sector in South Africa? Why are Zimbos not opening Spaza shops?

What is the business model that the use which is not being used by other nationals? ZBIN asked this question to our forum and below we cover responses:

Norah Bwanya Vanochengetana vanhu ivavo. other Somalis who ve st base help them out

Shyreen Muringai ii know of nigerians vakabatana zvisingaite vanopanana mabasa and vanomira vese kana zvaoma zve.

Praise Chabona Another thing is some of the Somalis are business pple in their own land. So when they escape from their war zone they leave with cash only thats why when they are walking in other countries other than zimbabwe they travel only at night in fear that they are robbed or even killed. In those other countries they cant even board buses because they get robbed. Its only when they get to Zimbabwe Nyamapanda border they are free to travel whatever time and they sometimes look for shelter/food in pples houses. Some yers back they used to walk to Harare where they are sheltered at a refugee camp in waterfalls. From there they are provided with transport to SA. Since 2013 the Somalis are nolonger allowed to walk from Nyamapanda. A refugee camp has been set up and transport is always ready for them there. 

Gilda Gore Isu hedu maZimbo kungotsikana konzi.noone wants to see the other prosper

Shungs Nemapare Nyumbu Ini my concern is that we are sending the wrong message to the world. African cannot get along without killing each other and so we (first world) need to go in and moniter them and subdue them. Run their countries for them and make them work for us. Once that happens its game over.

Farie Musakasa Kojo zimbos kunyeyana chete zvakaoma

Timothy Bhowa I stayed in Jozi back in 2008 in an area populated mainly by Nigereans and Cameroonians.These guys societies similar to burial societies lyk we find in Zim.They held weekly meetings to update each other on welfare issues- the new arrivals were given assistance,places to stay & assistance to start their own businesses until they cud stand on their own feet.They had a revolving fund to. achieve this.Contrast this with Zimbos.We shun each other and have been so brainwashed so much that we believe that business is not for us.Most us have left for the diaspora to look for jobs,not to start our own ventures nomatter how small.The Nigerian guys would always taunt me each time I went to fax my CVs @ their communication centres. This has stuck on my mind,”You Zimbabweans…you come hear to look for jobs.We(Nigerians) have come to make money.”Nigerans were into the internet business,photocopying,faxing,cellphone repairs etc whilst the Cameroonians had set up food outlets and hair salons.Catch the drift?Naturally Zimbos are selfish and lack the entrepreneurial spirit.

Makadzange Patience MaZimbos tinoitirana godo,handiziwi kuti kumachurch kwatoenda tinonamata chii,hatikwanise kubvunza kuti wasvika sei apa asi kushoorana chete

Praise Chabona I have tried to participate in Saving and lending activites ari kuitwa nesome women around the country but ey! kubirana kwacho kwakaoma. I hope we will change our attitude very soon

Mdala Wa Rue Aaah shame,kubatana kushoma pakati pedu maZimbo…i hope these schemes do not become ma Ponzi Schemes…do u remember what hapened in the mid 90s?

Praise Chabona Some have already proved to be ponzy bcoz in one of the groups kwainzi each member contributes $200/month and the group had 30 members. The administrators made sure that they placed themselves on the 1st positions. Saka ndivo vakatanga kuwana mari vachibva vangoshaikwa.

Miriam Rosalyn Pashapa Zimbabweans if we dnt unite we are going nowhere bt dwn the drain,unonzwa some zimbos even ku UK vaitengesana kuti munhu adzoserwe kumba honestly wat kind of a spirit is that?

Rodwell Maoneke MaZimbabweans hatina kubata,godo, kukara, humbimbindoga,ruvengo the list goes on. Ukawana chaunoziva ukadaidza hama kuti huya tibate pamwe unobirwa kana kuti munhu mangwana anomuka akutoshandisa njere dzako kutotanga zvake even without experience. Ukabatsira nemari haidzoke. From what I heard maSomalians vanobatsirana kuvhura maSpaza shop,unotanga nekushandira aka establisher then ozokubatsirawo kutangazvako.

Mdala Wa Rue Zvakawoma a friend said ndikawona mu Zimbo in SA ndinotarisa kuside even wandinoziva lol. Murikunyanyoitana seiko …tobudirirasei manje. Look at the Naija community in Zim?

Rodwell Maoneke Munhu iye aitaura chokwadi, hunhu hwedu hauna kunaka,get rich quick mentality ndiyo inotiuraya,patients hapana. Mukatanga musika pamwe kana worshop chaiyo pane ku expander zvamatanga umwe anomuka akavhura kake kamusika, ndipo panotangira kunyeyana



Ntate Victor

The author Ntate Victor

Ntate Victor is a Chartered Management Accountant, ACMA, CGMA and an award winning business coach and consultant. Author of 6 books and skilled in financial analysis, strategic planning, risk management, and business coaching. Contact +263 773 055 063