Our Madagascar Lima Beans farming trials will turn a year old next month and how has been progress?
From less than 20 plants, I have managed to fill up a 20litre bucket with the Madagascar Lima Beans which should be the highest in the country. I accidentally bumped into the beans around August 2023 and at first ignored them but only taking interest during November when the first beans became ripe. I was still oblivious to the immense value of the beans and had to seek help on the type of beans in my backyard garden—and eating the first beans took a leap of faith.

So it’s almost a year now and I have shared the beans with hundreds of others with the first distribution in December 2023. Amazing results from the trials showing great potential for those interested in going commercial.

For home consumption—you just need at most 5 good plants and this is what a few Zimbabweans have been doing for decades. Going commercial is an unpatented idea from ZBIN and hundreds of farmers are getting ready for the 2024/5 Agricultural Season.

Winter farming—Winter has proved to be what is already written by researchers—a difficult period with reduced growth due to frost. However with continued watering, the impact is reduced. Only old plants are mildly impacted but plants from March and April are doing well.

The verdict? Great potential for Zimbabwean farmers to grow Madagascar Lima Beans which have an explosive growth rate and cost effective as there is no need for fertilizers and pesticides.