We have added a massive 30,000 new members over the past 3 months to our Facebook Page and our members now stand at 80,000! We welcome you all to this forum. We are registered as a trust with a board of 10 members and a management team of 40. Our offices located at No 34 Quendon Road, Monavale, Harare.
Purpose of forum: Provide small businesses with a platform for resource sharing, networking access to capital and markets
Access to resources: There are thousands of inspirational posts on our Facebook page, over 700 free articles on our website www.zbinworld.com , active business discussions on our more than 50 Whatsapp groups and we also published 5 books.
Access to capital: We pool resources through Crowdfunding initiatives and to date there are 4 registered companies owned by members.
Access to markets: We allow our members to advertise on Facebook 3 times a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Look out for consolidated posts that attract an average of 18,000 views or 600,000 views per month. Our Whatsapp platforms also provide a great platform for access to markets. The bonus is the forum is growing at a rate of 300 new members per day—so bigger market for members.

Networking: Before the Covid-19 lockdown, we had started holding monthly meetings attracting more than 200 members. We hope to tap into Zoom facilities and hold monthly fairs to network members starting from August 2020.
Member Expectations
Active participation on forum posts: Share your entrepreneurial experiences, inspire the next person.
Buy from the forum: Do not just use the forum for dumping ads, support others too and grow the forum. The spirit of support on the forum is extremely high.
No spamming: Posting the same ad over and over on our Whatsapp platform is a NO! Our admins will self quarantine you.
No Ponzi schemes: Post ponzi, phishing links or commit fraud and you are automatically out.
Politics: It is a divisive topic especially in Zimbabwe. Avoid political posts as not everyone shares the same view with you. If the urge to discuss politics is too strong for you, our ZBIN Social App group is a great platform and in there the members are evenly balanced. Those who support Political Perspective X and those for Y. Whatever you support has an equal number of those who oppose it. Outside the ZBIN Social, its advised to avoid this topic.
Diaspora Friendly: We are diaspora friendly and have a good number of diasporans participating in our programmes. Our board is made up of 50% diasporans and we regularly write posts to keep the diaspora clued up on business developments on the ground.
Subscribed Members: They keep the forum running through yearly subs, they have preferential treatment for ads as well as access to our yearly books. They have a separate forum and are the first to benefit from forum initiatives.
So enjoy your stay, be visible, promote your brand, support others too. Keep your prices reasonable and deliver what you promise. The Facebook admin team tries their level best to share as much information as possible and is made up of a Digital Marketer (Darlington Letala), Social Entrepreneur ( Kevin Farai Moyo), Lawyer ( Taffy Dube) and Accountants ( James Foster & Chenjerai Takawira). The Whatsapp platforms have Catherine Shava, Theresa Sithole ably supported by a team of 40 admins.
Zim Business Ideas and Network