Diaspora Matters

Vote of Thanx: Mozambique Business Opportunities Tour

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So two months ago I was on the forum telling you the story of investment opportunities in Mozambique. I highlighted the opportunities that abound in our Eastern Neighbour and how other foreign nationals are benefiting. I invited members from here to join out Watsapp Group and the immediate task was to plan for a visit to the city of Tete.

The good news is that the group toured Tete last week . Tete is 350 Kilometres away from Harare. The group had initially made 2 tours to the same city. One in March and a follow up in April. So this Dec trip was the third one but with a completely new set of people. Credit goes to Clara Mapfumo and team for a successful tour of Tete.

The trip was an eye opener for the folks who participated, members witnessed first hand the developments that are happening at a fast pace in the city. The country has been affected by low commodity prices which seriously impacted on the operations of the Economy. Mines were not spared and this resulted in a lot of retrenchments and downscaling of operations. However there is slow recovery and for long term investors only the sky is the limit in Mozambique. South African investors continue to pour in investment and since our last trip in April, a number of new South African supermarkets have been established. New mines are being opened and this represents a seal of approval when it comes to investment.

Zimbababwens in Tete,

So what are Zimbos doing in this city which is equivalent to Gweru (some within the group argue that it will surpass Bulawayo soon). Zimbabwean nationals are into construction, some white farmers who left Zimbabwe are into farming. Some are employed by mines and transport businesses.

Investment Gaps in Mozambique.

1.Transport – there is room for more players n the transport sector for ferrying goods to and from Beira. Our Chinese friends are busy transporting logs cut from the rich forests of Mozambique to Chinese. On your way to Tete, you will see countless lorries ferrying logs and other raw materials. Watch out for the slow recovery of the commodity prices and opening of new mines and the opportunities tis may present to you.

2.Boutiques– This one is for small time investors with little capital-yes there is mazitye, mabhero clothes in Mozambique but for this Cidade, there is room for Zimbo investors who are serious in the fashion and clothes industry.

3.Foreign Nationals as a market– the increasing foreign nationals community presents a golden opportunity for investors- this rich community of professionals has needs. Education of their children(there are few good schools in Tete that teach English or with high education standards). This community require food, they need clothes etc. So one needs to carefully study this community and find out how you can benefit.

4.Fruit and Veges Market-last time I visited a Mozambican contact asked me to find a partner who with a refrigerated truck who can ferry sea food from Beira to Tete as there is a big gap with the current provider overcharging clients by as much as 500%. Investors to this city should look carefully at who is providing fruit and vegetables to this city of close to 300,000 people.

5.Mining Opportunities- new mines mean new opportunities for professionals and a lot of service providers. One of my friend provides security guard services to some of the mines in the province.

I will do a video where I will feature business opportunities in that country, so watch out for it in the coming few weeks.

Future Plans
The good news is that some of the members who participated in the latest tour will be quietly going back for follow ups in the next 2 weeks. The group wishes them well in their endeavours- for us its mission accomplished!

Beira Trip
So after the Tete Trip, we have another one-this time we head to Beira and its coming on the 28th to the 29th of December. We will look at opportunities that exist in the port city of Beira and Chimoio. It is our first business tour of the city; we do not expect to cover much since it will be holiday time. The trip will however help us in planning the next tours.

So are you interested in exploring new areas and new opportunities? If you answer is Yes then plan for the trip –Harare to Beira is 551 km. Plan to spend between $40-$60 on accommodation per night. You do not have to pay anyone any fee, you just bring your car and join others heading to the ocean.

Muito Obrigado


Victor Muchemwa

The author Victor Muchemwa

Victor Muchemwa is a Chartered Management Accountant, ACMA, CGMA and an award winning business coach and consultant. Author of 5 books and skilled in financial analysis, strategic planning, risk management, and business coaching. Contact +263 773 055 063

1 Comment

  1. Popular Zim products include lacto, the Zim community has grown large and they are looking for products from home,hanzi lacto ingowanikwa neatanga. Icecream business opportunities exist because of the hot weather.

    Food for thought to the ZBIN community

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