Good Morning Investors, Its 1 December and its a new month! If am not mistaken its National Tree Planting Day! So dingindira redu nyamashe ngere trees and money!
So 4 years ago I bought 3 Pawpaw plants for $5 each…I thought I was overcharged $5 for a small plant with no guarantee tht inonoita? I grudgingly parted with my $15 PaMereki.The seller promised me that in exactly 3 years anenge aita provided I watered them well and fertilised them as well.
So 3 years have since elapsed and what are my results? Excellent results…miti 2 ndiyo yakaita the third yakafa. The 2 irikubereka zvinotyisa…yabereka kechi 2 although handina kumboisa fertliser. Iam regretting though…dai ndakatenga 100 plants kutaura kuno ndirikungosekerera. Dai ndakanoisa kuplot kwangu near the river dai ma lorry achingotakura ma pawpaw kasingaperi.
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Contact Details
Germination 15days Flowering 3monhs,harvest 7 months life span 3yrs
Contact No : 0733 073 326
Tafadzwa Sandra NgaruWow….beautiful
Moses MatsikaIs this not GMO?
Mdala Wa RueNot sure but it looks like
King Krayza Beebro Moses gmo s are the order of the day , from dairy cows chinodziita kuti dzibudise mukaka we nyika yese neweku exporter its a modified gene which comes thru food or injection, so as broilers and layers , even ku citrus and bananas gmo is everywhere. Only that countries like SA are worse because they have since developed more powerful ones zvekuti huku can be ready in two weeks ndopazvashatira.
Moses MatsikaSo what can we do?
King Krayza Beezim is still better because the use of GMOs is still normal , there should be a law which monitor the use of gmos and regulate them for them not to be used in excess as SA does, i once bought a chicken thigh yakaenzana ne 1 litr coke bottle pakufara kwayo. I was afraid to eat it.
Moses MatsikaGMOs not gud for our health.
Josephine GumhiraWell done
Bothwell MubambiToda maAvocado
Chitakuramombe MbudziihataMatesters ari pano
King Krayza Beesherperd have you considered kuti you are on zim business ideas kkk not an online banking service. Kkk yo msg is lost
Frances Nenzouooh wat an idea we grew up eating paw paws
Gift Sibandawhat a nice project
Lesley Mugochi Ndoidawo mbeu iyoyi
Emmanuel Phakathi Leaf juice is good and remedy to the body its cure certain dissorder.its detoxifying agent for liver.make a research bafethu.
Getrude Ruzane Sweka Nice
Mdala Wa Rue Ukatanga ne 50 unogona kungoshamisika nema good returns. Ini I will try in Oct ndagadzira good infrastructure…zvinenge zvandibvuma zvema paw paw izvi
Memory Rumbidzai Chikowore Marongwe Ndaifarirawo paw paw project. Ndipeiwoadetails on 0774 249 693
Taurai Marova i stay in Gweru where can i get this type of paw paw seed…i like this project
Setfree Shonhai Jaramombe Nice
Gilda Gore Kudos to you for the patience and hard work .will be coming for a fruit salad at your crib.
Lonelyy Maponga Thanks my guy this is an eye opener! Totoshanda zviite we have none but ourselves to secure our lives
Isiah Ndebvu Woo wonderful i want to try this project give details on 0773881343
Post originally appeared on the Zimbabwe Business Ideas and Networking Facebook Page in June 2016