
It is always tricky to conduct business online as one can do business and be surprised by poor service or in some cases money disappears. And in some cases, there could be no recourse or where it exists, it comes at great inconvenience.

There are no regulatory standard bodies in the informal sector. It is a jungle!

So to help you conduct business smoothly, we have a pool of subscribed businesses where we hold each member accountable for their business conduct. If we receive many complaints, we make follow ups and even deregister them. Noone wants to be deregistered as they lose many benefits.

So send your business inquiries to Whatsapp +263 773 055 063 and our members will promptly respond.


Victor Muchemwa

The author Victor Muchemwa

Victor Muchemwa is a Chartered Management Accountant, ACMA, CGMA and an award winning business coach and consultant. Author of 5 books and skilled in financial analysis, strategic planning, risk management, and business coaching. Contact +263 773 055 063
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