A new private school named Nattie has taken the social media landscape by storm. The school has upped the ante in terms of standards! The design definitely foreign and social media users have given thumps up. The only concern is will the fees be affordable?

Our 2022 Business Opportunities Opportunities Book which is nearing completion has 10 chapters and if you have read previous editions, then you should be familiar with Agriculture, Women Opportunities, Regional Opportunities, Digital Marketing, Youths Opportunities, Risk Management and other chapters.
However our latest edition has a chapter of 10 carefully selected short business plans which include mushrooms, arts and crafts, mealie meal production, Beira Beach Hotel and private schools.
We briefly cover private schools an area that is experiencing growth over the years with established brands opening new branches across the country. Talk of Herentals, Reekworth, Tynwald Primary School, Mother Touch and more.
Zimbabwe‘s population keeps increasing exerting pressure for public goods such as schools. However the government and local authorities not able to meet demand therefore leaving a huge gap being plugged by private investors.
New areas in Harare such as Retreat in Waterfalls, Madokero in Tynwald, Sandton in Westgate, Eastview and more need investors for schools and colleges. The peri urban including Nyabira, Domboshava, Epworth, Snake Park, Seke Rural and others are in need of quality schools but there are few takers.
Minimum Basic Requirements
Premises: One can buy commercial stands for sale but this is often pricey. Substitutes include buying houses with large stands, convert premises into classes—build more classes including ablution facilities. Where no space is left, hire sports grounds like what Waterfalls Gardens do.
Transport: one need a bus for transportation of pupils and this is a plus often considered by parents as they compare schools.
Good quality furniture: Well furnished class rooms a great advantage. This includes tiled floors, and great school halls.

Staff Retention: The greatest asset in a school are teachers and the admin staff. Remunerate them well and watch as your investment brings great returns over time. A high staff turn- over for a new school is a red flag!
E-learning facilities: Having laboratories including a computer lab a great competitive advantage as the education sector embraces the digital economy.
Registration: The mushrooming of private colleges shows that registration processes are no longer rigid like in the past. Research on private schools registrations with local authorities and relevant education ministry departments.
Bear in mind that it takes time for a private college to get established and therefore expect losses or break evens in the first few years as you establish your brand. Parents are often sceptical of new schools and most watch from the terraces others taking the risks of enrolment. When great results starts trickling in then you have arrived, your time to recoup all investment costs and earn profits.
With traffic congestions now a permanent feature, most parents are opting for suburb based good schools for their children—a trend you can benefit from as CBD based schools lose appeal.
Extra funds permitting, one can also set up boarding facilities as sending pupils to far flung places goes out of fashion due to logistics challenges.
Interested in owning a private school? You have more researched to do with one option being pooling of funds from like- minded individuals. Workers getting retrenchment or pension packages, Zimbos in South Africa with expiring permits etc
The good thing about this sort of investment is you are unlikely to lose most of your capital as you have title to your real estate.