ZBIN will be championing business partnerships in 2017 for our members. We already have a trial run in Bulawayo of sisters who are involved in agricultural projects. We will be promoting partnerships within Zimbabwe by locals. Lessons learnt from local partnership projects will be used to promote partnerships between locals and the Diasporas. So the ball is in the court of locals, PROVE THAT YOU CAN SUCCESSFULLY PARTNER in business. If you can provide us with solid evidence then we will actively promote you to partner with the Diaspora.
Our strategy as ZBIN is to help promote partnerships by locals in stage one and this will be happening from January to September 2017, the last quarter of the year should be the selection of successful partnerships for possible funding and engagement with the Diaspora.
Before engaging in Partnership Arrangements its important to read the following Principles of Partnerships which we took from www.salfordcity.org
1. Collective understanding of the purpose of your partnership
This means:
• Being clear about the purpose of the partnership and its intended outcomes.
• Ensuring partners actively commit to working together.
• Ensuring members are responsible for the work of the partnership.
• Ensuring the partnership’s aims are consistent with other plans and priorities.
2. Performing effectively within clearly defined functions and roles
This means:
• Being clear about the functions and roles of the partnership ensuring effective delivery and implementation.
• Being clear about the partnership’s links to other partnerships.
• Being clear about the partnership’s lines of responsibility and ensuring these are made clear to the public.
3. Establishing and promoting the values of your partnership
This means:
• Putting the values of the partnership into practice.
• Partners show commitment to the partnership by ensuring the appropriate level of membership.
• The partnership communicates effectively to people outside the partnership and promotes what they do.
4. Taking informed, transparent decisions and managing risk
This means:
• Being rigorous and clear about how decisions are taken.
• Having and using good quality information, advice and support.
• Ensuring that an effective risk management system is in operation.
5. Developing skills, knowledge and experience in order to govern effectively
This means:
• Ensuring that all partners have the skills, knowledge and experience they need to perform well.
• Developing the skills of people with partnership responsibilities and judging the quality of their performance, both as individuals and as a group.
• The partnership has a learning culture which allows partners to gain knowledge and skills.
6. Engaging all partners equally and making accountability real
This means:
• Partners feel they have equal influence and power within the partnership.
• Partner members ensure their organisational plans reflect partnership priorities.
• Partners actively promote the principles of equality and diversity across the partnership.
In next instalment we will cover advantages of Partnerships and Risk Management in Partnerships.