Diaspora Matters

The PDIA Approach

We bring you an interesting approach to organisational development-the  Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) approach. Important to organisational development practitioners involved in change management and capacity building initiatives.

Many reform initiatives fail to achieve sustained improvements in performance because organizations use mimicry to camouflage the absence of real change. That is, they pretend to reform by changing what policies and organizational structures look like rather than what they actually do. As long as the eco-systems in which state organizations live, reward mimicry over functionality, then capability traps can persist, even when organizations remain engaged in the typical developmental rhetoric and tactics of “policy reform,” “training” and “capacity building.” Moreover, many best-practice agendas bring solutions that exclude local agents from the process of building their own states, implicitly (and sometimes explicitly) undermining the value-creating ideas of local leaders and front line workers.

To help escape capability traps, the Building State Capability program at CID is exploring the potential of a Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA) approach. PDIA rests on four core principles:

Local Solutions for Local Problems
Transitioning from promoting solutions (pre-determined by external experts) to allowing the local nomination and articulation of concrete problems to be solved.

Pushing Problem Driven Positive Deviance
Creating environments within and across organizations that encourage experimentation and positive deviance, accompanied by enhanced accountability for performance in problem solving.

Try, Learn, Iterate, Adapt
Promoting active experiential (and experimental) learning with evidence-driven feedback built into regular management and project decision making, in ways that allow for real-time adaptation.

Scale through Diffusion
Engaging champions across sectors and organizations who ensure reforms are viable, legitimate and relevant.

The table below from our research highlights how PDIA differs from standard approaches.

Table 1: Contrasting current approaches and PDIA
Elements of Approach Mainstream Development
Problem Driven Iterative Adaption
What drives action? Externally nominated problems or ‘solutions’ in which deviation from ‘best practices’ forms is itself defined as the problem Locally Problem Driven – looking to solve particular problems
Planning for action? Lots of advance planning, articulating a plan of action, with implementation regarded as following the planned script ‘Muddling through’ with the authorization of positive deviance and a purposive crawl of the available design space
Feedback loops Monitoring (short loops, focused on disbursement and proces compliance) and Evalulation (long feedback loop on outputs, maybe outcomes) Tight feedback loops based on the problem and experimentation with information loops integrated with decisions
Plans for scaling up
and diffusion of learning
Top-down – the head learns and leads, the rest listen and follow Diffusion of feasible practice across organizations and communities of practitioners
Source: Escaping Capability Traps through Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA)


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    Diaspora Matters

    Zimbabwe’s Diaspora Strategy


    The good news from Harare is that the Government is finalising the Diaspora Strategy, this strategy will guide the government on how to engage the Diaspora, how to assess the needs of the Diaspora and ensure a win win situation. The Diaspora benefits by having their needs met, the country benefits by having formal structures to engage the Diaspora.

    The Diaspora has been on average remitting close to $1Billion dollars a year. There has been a slight decline and this has been attributed to fluctuations of major currencies such as the Rand. We have written extensively about the Diaspora because the $1Billion that is being remitted is just a fraction of the potential that exists, the community has access to credit, access to markets, access to technology and access to rich networks that can benefit the country.

    The $1Billion can easily rise to $2 Billion or more if the Government engages this community and acknowledge the importance and influence that they have in the country. It is also interesting to note that remittances has surpassed Direct Foreign Investment, so the community should be viewed in the same way that we view foreign investors.

    We should have Diaspora -friendly policies that helps to attract more remittances in the formal channels. The Diaspora Strategy is still to be finalised and be launched but we firmly believe that the country has taken a great step by acknowledging the importance of this important sector. The National Budget has been an average of $4 Billion, the Diaspora has been providing $1 Billion, these statistics surely point to an important sector which is helping to oil the economy! The Diaspora also wants a conducive environment for investment, security of investment, rights to voting and clarity on Dual Citizenship-these issues can be ironed out through engagement.

    The local television reported that a high powered delegation will be in South Africa to engage the Diaspora and this is great news. We encourage our members to attend and meaningfully engage the government officials. Its a great platform to hear of the plans that are in place to help the community by the government. We hope to see fruitful dialogues that result in more remittances and  more investment opportunities being unlocked for the betterment of Zimbabwe and the Diasporan Community.



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