Diaspora Matters

Creating Solid Relationships with Your Suppliers


We feel we have made enough noise about building strong relationships in business on the forum. All of our recent books have been anchored on opportunities plus solid relations.

Regai timboti dedemu nerurimi rwamai;

Business kuwirirana nevamwe zvakanyanya kuti ugadzire  uye kuchengetedza upfumi.

Wirirano –wirirano-wirirano-wirirano!

Business mubatira pamwe chuma chemuzukuru,

Business mukomberanwa,

Business harisi zano ndoga-unosiya jira mumasese!

We have done enough justice about client’s service. Who still remembers Customer Experience? Who has applied what we covered?

Of course recently we had the controversial topic of pricing….that will always be controversial but we believe you picked 1 or 2 tricks.

This evening we look at another critical stakeholder you need to be in very good books with;-your suppliers.

How do you develop strong relationships with your suppliers?

  1. Honouring promises. If you get goods on credit and are supposed to pay by x date, then do so without being reminded
  2. Being consistent…develop a strong credit record
  3. Constant communication and resolving issues before they become big
  4. Through review of your financial statements ( purchases and creditors)
  5. Ethical conduct

What are the advantages of solid relationships with suppliers?

  • Credit facilities- we can call it credit capital. Ability to sell goods and paying later
  • Discounts-regular and loyal clients are more likely to get discounts than others
  • New offers-Suppliers are likely to select regular and loyal clients first for new products or initiatives

There are tonnes of other benefits and you can add. In this hyperinflationary period-constant communication with suppliers is likely to keep you informed of price hikes or anticipated changes in the supply chain. This can be to your advantage if you get the information earlier than others.

How good are you with relationships? Are you aware of the benefits of acing your soft skills? Do you ever review your relationship skills with all stakehodlders? Do you have a solid plan to improve your skills? When last did you attend training or read books on soft skills?

Do not just read this article but pause, reflect and then take corrective action!

Business=vanhu, vanhu=business (provided you ace and practice advanced soft skills)


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Diaspora Matters

List of Zimbabwe herbs and Start-up Opportunities


Just how did we survive as Africans before modern medicine was shipped to the continent? What were the local solutions to local problems? Were studies conducted to assess the strengths and weaknesses? Did we incorporate best practices or African practices were just condemned?

We have seen it with the Covid-19 pandemic, some Africans took the bull by its horns and also joined the bandwagon of finding a cure. Well done to Madagascar! We are still waiting for detailed researches to confirm the medicinal value of their traditional medicine though but so far so good.

Turning to the local scene, there are some medicines that are really helpful and we feature below what we found circulating on social media.

It is also interesting to note that some medicine such as Zumbani are being  sold in leading retail shops and being sold out.

Business Opportunities

Need for detailed market surveys,

Appreciation of local laws and regulations,

Need for good branding and packaging,

Development of a business plan and launch,

Available local herbs that can be commercialised

1) Shumha – the fruit is used to heal ringworms and skin diseases. Burn the extract and apply the affected part(s)

 2) Mukundanyoka– Extracted from the trunk, grind it so as to dry then crush it into powder. – Cures Malaria, Blood Pressure, Diabetes and Toothaches.

3) Mupfura/Amarula – treats diarrhoea, prevention of malaria. – Is drunk as a tonic for weakness and fatigue.

 4) Mutsine/Black jack – treats swelling of tissue due to fluid accumulation. – supports brain function. – cures ulcers. – treats diabetes. – is used as a vegetable.

5) Mutsambadzi – treats flue, – stomach ache, – treats eye problems, – cures wounds .

6) Moringa – cures all kinds of diseases, – it stimulates the appetite, – it reduces viral loads, – it boosts the immune system – Boil the plant extracts and drink the liquid.

7) Mutohwe – the root extracts are chopped and placed in the ear as medicine for earache. 3 | P a g e

8) Mubvamaropa – the bark is used to relieve stomach disorders, – It cures headaches – is also a cure for malaria

 9) Mutarara – cures toothache – strengthens the teeth and gums – Extracted from the tree bark, it is dried and ground into a powder. Soak in water for 30 minutes then it will be ready to drink.

 10) Tsangamidzi – heals stomach pains, – helps reduce high blood pressure – Boil the powder in water and drink the liquid. – Sprinkle onto your food as you eat.

11) Ndorani/Ndolwani – it cures Ngubhani – it heals hypertension and stomach upsets

 12) Mpangara – used to treat toothache

13) Dhorofiya – cures glaucoma – cures wounds – cures fatigue – cures ulcers – cures diabetes – cures herpes

 14) Mususu – reduces and cures stomach pains

15) Munyatera – reduces stomach pains – cure running upset stomach – reduces high body tempeurate – cures snake bites

 16) Gavakava – it heals stomach aches – it clears black spots and removes pimples – it heals wounds – it heals nyon’o in chickens

17) Mango leaves – cures boils – alleviate skin conditions – cures chest conditions – reduces and cancels asthma  – wash with cold water and chew thoroughly, swallow the juice and leaves, – drink the juice of boiled mango leaves to heal diarrhoea and incontinence(quick discharge of water/urine) – boosts blood quantities

18) Avocado leaves – boost the blood supply – cures Blood pressure – Boil the leaves and drink the liquid

19) Lemon leaves – boost the pulse rate – boil and drink the liquid

20) Zumbani Tea(Lippia Javanica) – Prevents on-set of degenerative diseases such as cancer, stroke and diabetes – Lowers pain such as abdominal pain, menstrual pain, backache and chest pain – Lowers swelling – Treats fevers, especially in the case of malaria, influenza and measles – Treats coughs, colds and bronchial problems

 – Helps prevent lung infections – Treats dysentery and diarrhoea – Is caffeine-free – Has vital minerals such as copper, zinc and iron – Low in tannin, much lower than Rooibos and far much lower than regular tea – Boosts the immune system – Has aphrodisiacs properties – Treats fertility problems – Is antibacterial – Is antiviral – Helps treat acne, eczema, dermatitis and hair loss – Treats seizures and heart rhythm disturbances – Fights prostate cancer and prostate enlargement


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