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Hararians just love Lake Chivero, have you ever seen the number of people flocking the lake resort during weekend?
Ok this lake seems to be under utilised.How many hotels?Lake Hunyani and what else?The numbers of folks visiting this place is going up every day.This creates an opportunity for serious investors…Build Amusem…ent Parks…Build Top Notch Hotels..Build Top Notch Beach Hotels…Build Unique beach lodges..Build Conference Centers..Build Caravan Parks..Build Bush Lodges (Like those in Hwange/Dete).
Hey,Hararians are now mobile and they want fun..they want places where they can go with their families and cool off!!We would like to forget our problems,we want decent private places …we would like massage parlours!!! For a change how about sleeping in a Caravan with my fam?Having braai on a fridae with friends tichiraura hedu?
Akomana nhamo dzakatiwandira patown..ndoda hangu ko kungofamba chill ,buy a beer or two and come back to town?Some time back i used to take my fam to this place which was owned by ZimSun…hameno zvakazoitika panzvimbo yacho pool yava ye green?
Ok even for real estate..did u know kune ma islands?Who owns these islands?Can we invite rich folks to invest on these islands and improve the Economy of Harare?
Akomana,tirikuzhamba nhamo pataundi isu tiine ma resources?I urge you all to visit Lake Chivero and explore business opportunities there…I know its not feasible for the entire forum to visit this place …but just think about business opportunities at the lake near you. My own estimate is that tine more than $100m investment opportunities at the Lake in terms of potential..
Same applies to my city(Bulawayo) in Mutare do look at opportunities offered by lakes near you..if u stay near a sea beach then tell us about opportunities that you see there.
So our tough question of the evening remains :WHO OWNS LAND AT LAKE CHIVERO?HOW CAN YOU BENEFIT?[adsense_inserter id=”%postid%”]

Great stuff waiting for the response of who owns the land and any ideas on how to start negotiations that may help to be in touch with the relevant authorities,following
Thanx B, preliminary researches show that the land is owned by National Parks and they can only lease it and not sell it.