Diaspora Matters

Of Zim Elections and Business Opportunities


Entrepreneurs should always come up with solutions to problems. At the centre of the election dispute in Zimbabwe was the issue of evidence of alleged electoral malpractices. So how can this be solved by entrepreneurs? We go the technology route, we go the Big Data way. Political parties in future elections are urged to adopt technological systems that allow them to capture election results and publish them in real time. An opportunity is presented to entrepreneurs to develop mobile apps that are used by all poll agents to upload election results as soon as vote counting is complete.

We look forward to young entrepreneurs developing mobile apps and selling it to various political parties across the world. This will help solve unnecessary electoral processes delays and also save money. No more fulcrums, V11 or V23 form disputes in future elections so go for it ZBIN Members…great opportunity on your hands.

The future is business

Now that elections are past us, we await the setting up of a competent cabinet team that is business focused. Serious policy makers who will transform Zimbabwe so that it can be a middle income country by 2030. Policy makers who will take advantage of one of the best human capitals on the continent. Our country has great potential-a lot of natural resources, great weather, friendly and hard working people. We need to tap into the skills that we have with some dotted across the globe.

Zimbos are leading great institutions across the globe and we need to find innovative ways to tap into their wealth of knowledge and skills. Diasporans do not necessarily need to leave their bases but can contribute if we create room for them. For instance the Ministry of Finance can have a board of experts from across the world who contribute to the development of the country through virtual participation in boards. The Ministry of SMEs can tap into the expertise of Zimbabweans working for big institutions such as UN, World Bank, IMF, Econet, BBC and Vodacom.

The current approach of having ministers working alone means they are losing out of world class experience which is freely available. Zimbabweans across the globe will not ask for stipends or travel allowances. They will participate out of patriotism, the need to develop their country. Ministries therefore need to identify world class skills they need and then invite Zimbos from across the globe to participate in advisory councils. We recommend every ministry to have an advisory council made up of some of the best brains from the country. A ministers role is to facilitate and harness expertise from these learned sons and daughters of the soil.

The SME Ministry 

During inauguration, the president mentioned strengthening of the SME framework. We are looking forward to a robust framework that will help transform the economy by bringing local investor friendly policies and programs. This framework should come after wide consultations with all stakeholders. Do not come with half baked frameworks drafted by a few people who may not have the necessary expertise and exposure. The SME sector has been the bedrock of the economy accounting for 60% of the Gross Domestic Product. With more than 5.6 million people employed, the sector is the second highest in the world so lets have the second best SME framework in the world. In future other countries should come to Zimbabwe for case studies!

The disbandment of the Ministry of SMEs did not yield the results desired because it meant putting more focus on international investment and big corporates. The focus on big corporates was good but should not have been at the expense of the largest sector in the country and the world. We are therefore looking forward to its revival and a strong team coming up to steer the sector to greater heights. The SME Ministry needs to work hand in glove with international NGOs working in the country which have been doing great work. Do learn from them about their approaches in the development of a world class SME framework.

Personal Investment Decisions

According to our opportunities identification toolkit, a new government means new opportunities! Follow government policies, check out how these policies are implemented and follow the money. The government sets the agenda for business opportunities and you should have your own business plan that monitors developments in the economy and government policies.

With our forum sharing a record number of free business posts, what have you identified? Do not just read the posts but develop a business plan. It does not need to be detailed but a one page business plan articulating what you would like to do is good for starters. Worried about capital? Capital should not be a stumbling block to the development of your business plan as there are various options such as partnerships, crowdfunding and government funds. Have your plan of your vision and finish last with capital options. We are getting a lot of inquiries from diasporans and foreigners interested in partnerships. We however cannot refer them to people with just ideas, you need solid plans and its better if you have small successful projects that need to be scaled up.

We have also published a book on Business Opportunities, do you have a copy yet? The book details opportunities in Agriculture, Services sector, Mining, Women and Youths. We have not just listed opportunities but went the extra length of detailing them and showing others who are successful. Interested in buying from China? There is a step by step process. Interested in doing business in Malawi? There is a brilliant write up. Interested in setting up a chicken layers project? Our Agriculture section shows you a great success story. The book contains skills that you need to invest and many more.

We have just completed the SA Business Opportunities and we are confident that its the best entrepreneurship book on the continent. Although the target market is South Africa, the book contains an enormous collection of stories and resources that will inspire everyone across the globe. The book is coming free of charge to those who got the Zimbabwe Book.

So do not be left out, join our platforms such as Whatsapp which provide helpful information and they cover Poultry, Mining, Construction, Transport, Online Forex Trading, Bitcoin, Education, Tapestry, Regional Opportunities and more. We have more than 8.000 members on the group. To join send an app to +263774081808, +263776196313 and +263772215695. We have full time Administrators who ensure that our groups are clean and stick to business discussions. Be inspired and join others providing mentorship support and resources.

Our Facebook platforms have the Zim Business Ideas and Network group with close to 38.000 members with the focus being business discussions and sharing of ideas and it is the leading forum for business networking. Our South Africa Business Ideas and Network has 10.000 members with 100 new members being added everyday.

So do not be left out, find out how other entrepreneurs are doing it…the failures and successes which is crucial on your business journey. Avoid costly mistakes and know the direction opportunities are flowing.

We wish you well on your business opportunities journey.





Victor Muchemwa

The author Victor Muchemwa

Victor Muchemwa is a Chartered Management Accountant, ACMA, CGMA and an award winning business coach and consultant. Author of 5 books and skilled in financial analysis, strategic planning, risk management, and business coaching. Contact +263 773 055 063
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