Iam a music man- I just love music from Afrobeat, Kizomba, Afrojazz, Kuduro, Kizomba, Decale, Zouk, Bachata, Smoove Jazz, Semba, Latino, Zoukompa, House, Mbira, Sungura and Jiti.
Whenever Iam at Or Tambo airport one of my favourite place to be is the music shop. There is a big music shop that sells a wide variety of music and they also sell Zimbabwean music such as Tuku and Dembo music.
Now when I compare OR Tambo and our own Harare International Airport, I find a missing gap. Where is our own music shop?
There are a few curio shops, a coffee bar and a book shop but no music shop that helps to promote our own local music, films and documentaries.
Does this mean there is no market for music for tourists and Diasporans? I really don’t think so and my thinking is that someone should explore the idea of selling music at our airport where the numbers of travellers have increased sharply in recent times. Existing shops at the airport can also consider converting some of their current space and sell music.
Hannah I think O.R has the advantage of traffic in terms of numbers of people passing by. It is the transit hub for SADC so many people don’t just drop of there as their final destination a lot of people connect there and usually when they do, they at time spend from 2- 5 hrs there and so have time to look around whereas H. I. A is usually a final destination and I’m not sure of its volumes of people.
Mdala Wa Rue Yep regional centers have high volumes..think of Atlanta..Dubai..Kenya..Or Tambo etc..but kana kadikiwo kanodiwa…tourist figures have gone up too…they also need to take advantage of cellphones. Selected IT products etc which are cheaper in Zim than neighbouring countries.
Fanuel Shamido Chirundu Lodges, Music Pot…m gvng possible trading names…if u c em somewhere someday just know its someone from ZBIN.
Hannah Hapana econet here pa HIA? Do they sell lines chete? Well kadiki kacho would have to be in the duty free section kkkk
Fanuel Shamido Zim Business Ideas & Networking t/a ZBIN Consultancy. In da fullness of time, this is a possible retirement package we can reward ourselves with. Could t be that da time is now? Well, forget t let’s just share ideas n network till one of us is undoubtedly inspired to pursue ZBIN Consultancy.
Mdala Wa Rue Kkk for the nxt 3 years its free consultancy thanx Fanny lol
Fanuel Shamido Imagine ZBIN Consultancy facilitating workshops for Company Secretaries, for da Ministry of Education to all School Heads. For example:- Ministry of Education School Heads’ Workshop: Converting Experience into a PhD.
Mdala Wa Rue We will slowly get there hedu…pano tine solid team yefolks coming from different backgrounds n professional fields.
Fanuel Shamido I got u Mdala Wa Rue, ko panoti mari ka apa… Free for now sure.
Mdala Wa Rue Kk usatye ..i been in the free buz since the year 2003..the fact tht i dont charge motivates me to dream..come up with ideas…i believe that in the nxt two yrs tinenge ta cracker billion dollar idea…i just love the fun of doing it without pressure kk kana usina pressure u innovate zvinonakidza kkk.
Fanuel Shamido Wow…I agree bcoz at Zero Pressure I’m myself.
NB* Post originally appeared on ZBIN Facebook page in May 2015.
Next time when we look at music –we hope to look at various innovative ways of selling music using platforms such as online, apps and supermarkets.