Monday is a wrong day to talk about laziness, its still a long week hey? Anyway good morning investors and may you allow me to talk about business advice for the lazy types amongst us. The couch potato’s who prefer sleeping or doing little activity.
Become a distributor
Becoming a distributor is the easiest business advice we can give you. No need for complex or strategic thinking skills. All you need is to sign up with an established company and distribute their goods and services. A few months ago I was in East Asia where I saw a lot of brands of various goods.
The brands that I saw were of the following products
1)Mobile phones and accessories
2)Agricultural equipment products
3)Clothes and shoes
4)Perfumes and deodorants
5)Household furniture
6)Electrical and solar products
7) Kitchenware
Dear reader, the list is endless. I did not know that there are more than hundred phone brands! I was used to Samsung, I-phones, Nokia, Black Berry etc. I did not know that the list extends to more than 100! So if you are the lazy type, get busy on the net and find out how to be a distributor of various products that are manufactured in Asia, Europe and USA.
The difficult part
Apologies for misrepresentation-there is no room in business for lazy people lol. After obtaining information about products to distribute you have to do one thing-work hard to promote the products that you would have chosen.
Bringing a new product is not as easy it sounds as you will be competing with established brands. You will have to work hard to get a share of the market. In certain cases the manufacturers may help in the marketing and distribution of their products.
Next week I will provide you with a list of manufacturers you can contact. Also take note of the fact that you may need to pay certain fees in order to obtain exclusive distributor rights.
So its back to work this week and as ZBIN we wish you the best.
Thats awesome Mdala