We often get inquiries from our members based locally and in the diaspora. They inquire about available business opportunities in the country and the region. We never hesitate to assist wherever feasible and today we feature another request from a ZBIN member.
Based in UK, she is interested in returning home to invest. She does not want to immediately come, she would like to test the waters by doing investment on a piecemeal basis.
Our recommendation to her which will benefit many others is as follows;
Investment in Private Schools.
Here is interesting information-the population of urban centres continue to grow. All urban and peri urban areas are experiencing expansions. One just needs to look at Harare where new suburbs are cropping up every year. All these suburbs need schools and the Government or City Council is not constructing any new schools. So who is filling the gap? Private investors of course. One needs to look at the number of privately owned pre-schools and schools in Harare which include Tynwald, The Vattal, Divaris Makaharis etc.
The wife of Pastor Emmanuel Makandiwa-Prophetess Ruth Makandiwa is also building a school in Sunningdale, Harare. The trend of new schools is the same in places such as Goodhope, Ruwa, Mainway Meadows and Manyame Park. A visit to small towns such as Mt Darwin, Mutoko, Rusape and Gwanda also shows massive expansions in terms of residential suburbs-who is providing schools for these new areas?
Sisters getting together
Do carry out detailed market surveys of private schools in Harare, visit all the new areas being developed and find out whether there are commercial stands available for schools. Form companies in the diaspora, raise funds and come and invest home.
We hope this helps.
Asante sana