From Inbox My wife has a capital of $1500, she would like to find out what sort of business she can do that has quick returns?
Exavior Chitova poultry kana muchigara kune market huku dzine mari
Tendai Trajeek Cabinda Pliz chengetai mari yenyu kusvika nyika yanaka. Munonyura
Watson Musenda The essence of a business is to make a profit ,interest or commission. Keeping money in the house does not earn the profit but will accrue risks ,and next thing its zero
Watson Musenda Mudhara this is a very common question.The answer is ,there is no magic answer to that question because there are a number of factors that detemine the success of the business whether small or big YOUR MINDSET There is a mindset that is tuned to business and there is that mindset that is tunoff.What is the state of yours?Are you prepared enough to think and act like an entrepreneur? Can you see opportunities where others are complaining?Can you get the idea? BUSINESS IDEA What exactly are you prepared to do?Do you want to offer a service or a product?What needs did you identify that your product or service will respond? Is it a viable idea? Is it profitable? THE LOCATION What you can sell in Mutare might not sell in Kariba..Where are you based? Is your conceived business idea suitable in that area?Is it the right location for your idea? STRATEGIES YOUR MIND Having an idea is one need to think through your idea,the whole process from procurement to a satisfied customer/Market.
Watson Musenda EXECUTION PLAN Strategy might look good and profitable on paper…. but how do you translate it into action is another game all together. A well thought Act execution plan is critical if you have to translate your idea into a viable business idea
Mai Anashe Tagwirei Mazuwano zvakuda kuti vanhu vaite ma businesses that require you to import less and export more.
Mai Anashe Tagwirei Ngavachengete mbudzi ne hwai
Maggie Shoko Biszness ,is to try yo luck hapana zvinoramba even ukatanga nesmall amount to keep broilers even to sale fruits ,mabhero ehembe ,shoes so many ways to invest money !
Florence Matombo Mining bisness kana ari serious ndibate
Chitapi Edwin Nzara yakuvadza ma boarder vana vari kuzvikoro uku. Tsvakai ma boarding school muchitengesa maquater bread and beef stew mozondipawo ma shares mu government yacho mukoma kkkk
Cly Locksoh haende kubhero or kamota kepamushikashika uko
*Post originally appeared on the Zimbabwe Business Ideas and Network Facebook page