So we have covered Kids Business, we also brought you information on Online Forex Trading-how to join our group. We covered Diaspora Investment matters as well. What remains outstanding is the interviews with 2 sisters on the forum-one based in Germany and another one in Kenya. We are hoping to finalise them and share their stories next weekend.
Important Changes
We are slowly building a team that will manage the group. Iam proud that some of the best brains from the ZBIN Community will be providing leadership to the group as trustees, registration of the group is at an advanced stage, Ms Tariro Kutadza will be leading the registration process. We will follow the OECD Principles of Corporate Governance and in the leadership position allocation and operations of the group. The good thing about our group is that we have been in existence for a long period of time; we have a strong and active membership and have representation in Zimbabwe and the Diaspora.
The following members will be part of the board:
- Ms Martha Tholanah (Hre )-NGO field background
- Mr Polite Ndlovu (Plumtree )-Business Management background
- Ms Tariro Kutadza (Hre )-NGO field background
- Mrs Rudo Chaza Mataranyika (UK) -Medical field background
- Mr C Chamakanda (US ) –Accounting background, CGMA
- Mrs Laureen Munodaani Mushati (US )-Medical field background
- Ms Hannah Tarindwa (Namibia ) –Business Management background
- Mr Tavaziva Machigidi (UK )-Accounting background, CA
- Ms Nyasha Gono (Hre ) –Accounting background, pending, CGMA membership
- Ms Clara Mapfumo (Hre)-Engineering background
- Mr Kiva Chiputu (Tete) –Transport and logistics background
- Rodwell Mawoneke (Cape Town)-Entrepreneurship background
We believe that we have a strong team in place that is made up of locals and diasporans; it is also gender sensitive with 60% female board representation. We have a diverse team with different professional backgrounds. We have included the youth with Ms Nyasha Gono representing the young voice on the board. World Award winner in the HIV and Aids field, Ms Martha Tholanah will lead the board of trustees. Mr Polite Ndlovu from Plumtree will be our interim CEO. We will give you more updates once we have finalised our registration.
Spokesperson for the Group

Ms Tariro Kutadza is going to be our interim spokesperson for group and will be developing materials to market the group; she will manage our twitter account, Youtube media, newspaper articles and our website. Do expect Munemo to slowly handover to Ms Kutadza in the coming few weeks.
Mozambique Trip
A lot of members have been inquiring about the next Mozambique trip and the answer is that its still on. After the Tete trip, the next one is to Beira or Chimoio-we are not looking for many members to join since this is our first tour to this place. We will update you in the coming weeks.
Diaspora Reception
Thank you to everyone who registered and special mention goes to Loveness from USA who donated funds for hosting this event. Its on this week in Queensdale, Harare and we are looking forward to a fruitful event.
ZBIN Wishes you