Baboons can be a menace to farmers. They can reduce your yield by a high percentage if you are not careful and therefore one needs to manage these animals well when you farm in an area where they exist. Killing baboons in most parts of Zimbabwe is taboo and in most cases one can be fined by a village head for killing them. There are many ways of managing baboon problems and as ZBIN we reached out to the community to help one of our members who was facing a serious baboons problem on his farm.
We cover below some of the responses from the community which may be of assistance to others:
Charles Majoni Go to the parks and wildlife authority…they will issue you with a permit on either translocating the baboons or poisoning because they are being a pest…poisoning permit $20.
Richard Chashamba Get a permit to cull them from National Parks and then donate or sell the meat to people who eat them, the moment they know they are being hunted makudo anochinja nzvimbo
Admire Chihwa Mwasenhu Teya 1, kana varibata tora paint yeRed neye White voripenda, vorisiya, parinoenda kune mamwe aro, anoritiza iro roramba richimhanyira mamwe aro kusvika avakure
Thembani Elmon Jnr F They’re a menace for sure I feel the pain but is poising them a good idea?
Thembani Elmon Jnr F I think the Parks guys have better and human ideas other than mass killing.Imagine 30+ baboons dead at once in an area?Zvinotyisa pachivanhu chedu it might bring karma coz gudo aiwa munhu uya.
Netcle Trish Mhlanga Put realistic scarecrows inoita kunge munhu around it works for some
Nancy Zisengwe Makudo anokuburitsa mubusiness very destructive and stubborn. Haatize vanhukadzi anotomira waiting kutokudzinganisa. One farmer dressed as a woman. He managed to fire at them ari padhuze, killed one. They fled