ZBIN is the leading forum that champions the engagement of Diaspora in Zimbabwe. We have more than 20 articles on Diaspora engagement. We have Diaspora representation on our board, we have Diaspora members on the group. Eighty Percentage of readers of our posts are Diasporans.
One of the reasons why we formed this site was in trying to answer this question. Lets say you are in Canada and would like to invest in Zimbabwe, where will you get relevant information?If you are in Menlon Park and would like to invest back in Zimbabwe,which site will give you with relevant information?
So we tried to answer the question of information availability and realised that no one provided information on investment for Diasporans. We have the Zimbabwe Investment Authority but they seem to cater for foreigners interested in large scale investment. So this is how the Zimbabwe Business Ideas and Network concept came about. We also realised that even for locals they could not easily obtain investment information. In most cases you will have to pay someone for information or have to physically visit the country inorder to access information.
So in comes ZBIN and we just love to connect with the Diaspora! We will try our level best to provide you with key investment information for free. Our hope being that the information will assist in you in terms of investment decision making! We hope to see the Diaspora investing in Zimbabwe and help create employment and the overall development of our wonderful country. We hope to help in the development of the National Diaspora Strategy by the Government which should help in Diaspora Engagement and Investment.
So what is the best area to invest in at the moment? It is a tricky one because we have the Mining Sector which is growing at a fast pace, gold output is at an all-time high, mineral prices are slowly picking up. So is mining the best sector that we are recommending to our wonderful Diaspora Community?
Dear reader the answer is Dairy Farming! We have left Mining because it’s a bit risky for new comers, its worse when you are far away from home. We highly recommend the Dairy Sector….this is where the money is! Just look at the figures-for every $1 invested, the return is $12…Aaah chinenge chikwambo kai chi lol We recommend this sector to someone from the Diaspora who is thinking of coming back home and you have some money to invest but not sure where to invest in. One catch though-you have to be on the ground, you have to put your money where your mouth is.
You cannot trust anyone to run your venture because you will be conned. Zimbabwe is currently importing milk because we cannot meet local demand, a few NGOs have been assisting in the resuscitation of the sector which had gone down in the last few years. So the sector is being revived with a number of small scale and large scale farmers entering the field. Now here is more good news-some of the farmers have been able to get loan guarantees from donors who are funding this sector. So you may not need to invest a lot of money as your greatest asset is going to be INFORMATION.
For more resources on Dairy Farming do check out www.zadf.co.zw. ZBIN will be carrying out a detailed analysis of this sector for the benefit of our members. Do expect the report at the end of March 2017.