We feel we have made enough noise about building strong relationships in business on the forum. All of our recent books have been anchored on opportunities plus solid relations.
Regai timboti dedemu nerurimi rwamai;
Business kuwirirana nevamwe zvakanyanya kuti ugadzire uye kuchengetedza upfumi.
Wirirano –wirirano-wirirano-wirirano!
Business mubatira pamwe chuma chemuzukuru,
Business mukomberanwa,
Business harisi zano ndoga-unosiya jira mumasese!
We have done enough justice about client’s service. Who still remembers Customer Experience? Who has applied what we covered?
Of course recently we had the controversial topic of pricing….that will always be controversial but we believe you picked 1 or 2 tricks.
This evening we look at another critical stakeholder you need to be in very good books with;-your suppliers.
How do you develop strong relationships with your suppliers?
- Honouring promises. If you get goods on credit and are supposed to pay by x date, then do so without being reminded
- Being consistent…develop a strong credit record
- Constant communication and resolving issues before they become big
- Through review of your financial statements ( purchases and creditors)
- Ethical conduct
What are the advantages of solid relationships with suppliers?
- Credit facilities- we can call it credit capital. Ability to sell goods and paying later
- Discounts-regular and loyal clients are more likely to get discounts than others
- New offers-Suppliers are likely to select regular and loyal clients first for new products or initiatives
There are tonnes of other benefits and you can add. In this hyperinflationary period-constant communication with suppliers is likely to keep you informed of price hikes or anticipated changes in the supply chain. This can be to your advantage if you get the information earlier than others.
How good are you with relationships? Are you aware of the benefits of acing your soft skills? Do you ever review your relationship skills with all stakehodlders? Do you have a solid plan to improve your skills? When last did you attend training or read books on soft skills?
Do not just read this article but pause, reflect and then take corrective action!
Business=vanhu, vanhu=business (provided you ace and practice advanced soft skills)