At one time the local media reported that about US$2 million circulated in Mbare on a daily basis! We do not have recent stats but still the figures could be close given that the Mbare Vegetables Market is the biggest one in the country drawing suppliers and clients across the country.
A lot of fruits and veges go to waste everyday and cumulative figures could run into several tonnes per per year worth hundreds of thousands or possibly millions of dollars.
Good folks, opportunities presented for startups that can collect excess products and process them for sale.
# Buy or rent a home in Mbare or nearby industrial sites of Graniteside, Ardbennie, Workington or Southerton.
# Procure drying machinery from China with price ranges starting from US$10k
# Procure a truck for ferrying produce from Mbare and for delivery purposes.
# Learn about branding from a Zbinite Blessing Shumbakadzi based in Bulawayo. She has world class branded products.
# With time sensitise farmers to deliver material to own premises whenever they encounter market flooding. Instead of throwing away produce, they can obtain a return that may help in cost recoveries.
# Have collection centres at Mbare and even add Chikwanha vegetables market with time.
Of course these are the basics which needs to be followed after an extensive market research which factors the quantity of vegetables and fruits going to waste, the prices farmers would be willing to pay, the costs and revenues involved and in summary–viability of the venture.
The market includes local shops, tuckshops and leading brands such as Food Lovers.
Additional Benefits: The area of food recycling topical and attracting donor funding and prizes.