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A diasporan sister has a question:
Zvirisei sei ndakabata 5000 cash ndinga deposite stand kupi mu Harare kune ma good terms.
Response from members
Noki Daniels KANA akuda ku Domboshava tell me
Faye Denise Nesee Haydon Park @$18 a square metre. Terms available up to 18 months (Haydon Park is near the new parliament so Harare west.
Anita Sibanda Madokero
Florence Matombo 400 squremeters 4500us in kwekwe
Noleen Kaseke kuchitungwiza infill $4500 pane cottage 2 rooms netoilet
Tapiwa Rasara Beware of fraudsters
Tapiwa Rasara If you manage to get one from reputable property developers like Damofalls Zimre holdings etc….avoid individuals as much as possible
Tendai Bond Cash-Baroness WeMhazi Rydale Ridge Park
Tafadzwa Mapurisa Where is this area?
Mdala Wa Rue Rydale…on yr wake to Lake Chivero…after Snake Park…Good area
Chichi Madanhi Madokero or Sandton after Westgate.
Rueben Moyo Saturday Retreat through CFI @ $4 per square metre
Mai Anashe Tagwirei Tenga ruzevha kwedu kuDema.
Florence Matombo Ku redclif dzriko and mbizo 21 ne 22 ku 9 kune dzimba
Watson Midzi Try PHD also they have stands also
Ps* This post first appeared on Zimbabwe Business Ideas and Network on August 12, 2016. Our Recommendation on buying residential stands still remain…avoid buying from individuals to reduce risk. Please refer to an article on why you should avoid buying residential stands from individuals.