
Diaspora Matters

Diaspora Matters

ZBIN Poultry Marketing Initiative

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We have provided you with costing information of raising broiler chickens and now we look at marketing your chickens. This not an easy area as most people struggle with marketing infact our research shows that raising chickens is actually easier than marketing them.

The traditional markets used by most Zimbabweans include selling to friends, workmates, neighbours and relatives. Some do take their chickens to Mbare Musika especially road runners. We have also witnessed the proliferation of bird cages with chickens for sale along major roads in the city or at shopping centres.

Now the above selling direct selling methods bring with them a lot of problems and the chief one is customers who take chickens on credit and fail to pay! This is the number one problem with the small scale poultry industry sector-availability of a reliable market.

Some have asked us about selling to big supermarkets such as OK, TM and SPAR but the major hurdle is that you need to have a constant supply of birds and the slaughter facilities have to meet high standards to be certified by their inspectors. The certification process may eat into profits of small scale farmers and sometimes they may fail to have a constant supply of chickens.

So markets-markets-markets is a common problem affecting everyone who is in this field. You can add the fact that barriers to entry are low such that it is a flooded industry and this drives down the profitability of the sector.

So what is ZBIN doing to solve the marketing problem?

We are of the view that our farmers should form one company where they supply chickens to. The company will then be able to concentrate on selling chickens in bulk to hotel chains, supermarkets and even export. Our members should coordinate their projects such that they can supply chickens on a regular basis. Farmers should therefore enjoy economies of scale in terms of marketing of their chickens. One central place, one voice for the sale of chickens from small scale farmers.

More discussions on this initiative will be done at our ZBIN Group meeting that would be held in February next month. If you are a small scale poultry farmer we encourage you to attend our meeting and contribute to the poultry marketing challenge.


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Diaspora Matters

Haddon and Sly Experience: Is your website good enough?

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So I have studied websites for a while, checking out some of the best websites on earth. I have also done a review of some of the websites that we have in Zimbabwe comparing them against the best in the world. What is my verdict? My verdict is that our websites are not good enough and this ironically includes this ZBIN websites!

Why do we have terrible websites around?

It seems anyone can develop a website in Zimbabwe which is plus because this removes barriers in the industry-there is however a downside to this- quality of websites is compromised.

Below are my top 7 reasons why we have terrible websites

  1. Business sector still to appreciate the importance of websites
  2. Website developers are mostly IT personnel with little understanding of business
  3. No industry standards leading to poor quality
  4. Clients not fully aware of what they need from websites
  5. No proper training and follow ups by developers
  6. Developers do not make it easy for clients to update material on websites
  7. Unethical practices from some website developers

Top Qualities of a website: Consider your website as a ‘live receptionist’ someone who can talk to clients, smile to them-ask questions or reply. Someone who can answer questions promptly.

Why should people visit your website?:So in your business you have a target audience or target market? We expect your website to give them information which I can categorise in the following levels:

Level One-Basic Information:

Basic information includes who the organisation is, contact details,location, products sold and prices, pictures etc

Level Two-Interactive

Level 2 is the next stage-after getting basic knowledge about your website why should I come back? I should come back for promotions, updates, resources or for fun. I remember during my college days in Bulawayo. As students we used to frequent a popular shop called Haddon and Sly, why did we go to this shop? The reasons are many-to while up time whilst waiting for transport to the campus, the air conditioner helped in cooling off, just to check out the beautiful ladies who worked in the shop lol, to find out latest products, to check out discounts, for some it was a meeting place, for some to reduce stress. I can spend the whole day explaining why this popular shop was always full.

Now for level 2 let’s call it the Haddon and Sly Experience-you should apply it to your website. Level one is just window shopping, folks just seeing basic information and walking away. Level two is about customers getting into the Bulawayo shop and experience more benefits. At the end of the day being a win-win situation!

  1. Create an Update Section: One easy way to promote your website is content marketing whereby you write articles that are helpful to customers. If it is a hardware website, I expect to see a section that updates clients of upcoming promotions, helpful tips, donations done by the company etc
  2. Comments Section: The comments section allows visitors to give you important feedback, some may be customers with concerns which need to be addressed. Customers/clients need to know that there is a ‘person’ behind the website-someone with feelings, someone who can answer, someone who can talk to them. A website should not be dead!
  3. Resources Centre: A friend of mine has a website for his company, the company sells mining equipment. I have asked him to put a resource centre that helps customers in with information on installing mining equipment, repairs, latest trends on mining equipment, common problems with mining equipment. Most of visitors to his website are miners so I asked him to put a price tracker of minerals, mining news etc. These resources will help visitors to have a Haddon and Sly experience and come back.
  4. Website Forum: ZBIN will be creating one in future, a forum which allows us and members to post topics and responses. This should allow visitors to exchange ideas on investment and business. You can have one for your site which can help attract clients because after participation on the forum then they can visit other website areas such as your advert sections.

I have given you 4 tips but there are a lot more that you can do to attract visitors to your website. You need to move from level 1 to level 2 if you would like to reap benefits from having a website. So when reviewing a website just ask yourself which level the website is at? When engaging a website developer ask for reference of websites previously developed and check the level.

So which level is ZBIN at? The answer is that we are still at 1- embarrassing stuff but the good news is that we know it and we will be taking corrective action in the coming months as we try and develop probably the best business website in Southern Africa.


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Diaspora Matters

Critical steps to take before you undertake an investment

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Some people just follow others when it comes to investment. You watch your neighbour making money from his trucking business and you join in. You hear others at the pub discussing about the profitability of the quail projects and you just follow.

Now the practice of following others is a risky one, some could be making money using some businesses as a cover. As witnessed in 2016, some business like the Quails Project which took Zimbabwe by storm  maybe subject to a ban. Imagine the losses encountered last year by someone who took out a loan to venture into a Quails Project?

So before investing one need to carry out a detailed study of the sector to invest in. You cannot just invest without sufficient information because this increases the risk of failure. One way to obtain information is through market survey reports.

Let’s say you would like to invest in the manufacturing of a new soft drink in Zimbabwe. The following information will be key in your investment decision

  1. The state of the economy and projections for the future
  2. Performance of the soft drinks sector in the country and the region
  3. The size of the soft drinks market, market trends and market growth
  4. Consumer preferences and change in tastes
  5. The effect of changes in the economy to the profitability of the soft drinks sector
  6. Competitors in the industry and level of competition
  7. Current Challenges and Opportunities

The information I have given you above is just basic, I can add more if I had time. The bottom line here is that you need the above information in order to:

  • Gain competitive intelligence about market leaders
  • Track key industry trends, opportunities and threats
  • Inform your marketing, brand, strategy and market development, sales and supply functions

This information will assist you in decision making to establish whether to pour in funds for investment into a project or not. Accountants would carry out detailed investment appraisals to determine whether the project would bring a good return on investment or not.

This is a systematic way of investment which reduces the chances of venturing into a project which may be facing a ban or is on a downward trend. You will have a helicopter view of what affects an industry, who are the key players, whether they are making money or not as well as whether an industry has room for more entrants.

So where can you get this information? One easy way is to buy market research reports. How much would it cost you? Currently pricey-it will cost you an arm and a leg. ZBIN Solution-Our solution which is coming in the next few months is that we will be providing detailed market research reports. Some of the reports will be for sale and a few available for free to our members. We hope to ensure that the reports will be available at affordable rates so that the guy in Siyaso can access them. This should save members from investing funds in projects that seem profitable on paper but loss making in reality.


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Diaspora Matters

Five profitable business opportunities in 2017

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By Kudakwashe Celestial

When a new season dawn, there is  more to it than just to see it as a mere new year. Every season comes with different weather behaviors and as such with different opportunities. For instance, you can’t grab the opportunity for farming in winter. In the same manner in business world seasons change. You need to be averse with what season is folding-in, what season is emerging and how you can  profit out of those opportunities.

This article is an eye opener of what is likely to be viable and make some rich in 2017 and these are worldwide opportunities. In a global community it is wise to invest in global opportunities. Its one thing to identify a viable sector, it is another to make money out of it.

All the five opportunities I have expounded below are very scalable, legit and some people are already making a killing out of them. Let’s quickly tackle them one by one.

1. Social entrepreneurship

We saw this sector emerging humbly in the past few years. Now its a business worth taking. One secret about social entrepreneurship is that you make money doing what you love. People like Jed Emerson, Deb Nelson, Ashoka and many others are making a fortune on this sector.

They’re a lot of social entrepreneurship ideas one can invest in. It only needs one to believe in self and go out to reach your vision.

2. Forex Trade

In the past years it wasn’t easy for an average person to trade on the Forex market. The restrictions would bottleneck those who could invest on Forex. This barrier have been broken due to advancement of technology. It is pleasing to learn that brokers will make sure they cushion you so that you can be able to trade on the market from as little as $10.

About 5 trillion US dollars circulate in the Forex market each day. That shows how big this sector is. Nevertheless, Forex is a Profession and you need expert traders to coach you. I know quite a number whom I can refer, myself included. You can get in touch and start your journey into investing in the growing market.

3. Cypto currrency

The use of plastic money is somewhat disturbing to others. Believe me, this is part of technological revolution. Virtual currency came to overtake the use of cash. A cashless generation is inevitable. Instead of rustling and clustering complains about it. It will be for our advantage if we grasp it before other nations.

In 2016 alone Bitcoins appreacted in value with over 1500%. Guess what? This is only the beginning of beginnings. Few years from now you will see bitcoins being accepted in Supermarkets, Banks, even by Street Vendors.

If you know the secret and benefits of being on the pioneering group then you don’t need to miss this opportunity. By just opening a bitcoin account and save your bitcoins, you are likely to get 1000% plus interest by year end from your bitcoins investment. So what are you waiting for?

4. Network Marketing

Network Marketing also known as MLM (multi level marketing) or self franchising is the fastest growing business model in 21th century. The good part about this business model is that it doesn’t emphasize on your credentials. Any average person from a humble background can start this business and become a millionaire. Donald Trump the current US President was interviewed on what he will venture in if he was to startoff all over again? He boldly responded, I will look for a good network marketing company and start doing business (paraphrased).

Network Marketing is a broad subject which I can’t exhaust in this article. I will explore more and even citing examples of good Network Marketing companies one can join in future articles.

It might also be interesting to know that Malaysia is bringing in more Foreign Currency through network marketing than anything else. The fall of schemes like MMM will see doors opening up for something legit and scalable. Like a jigsaw puzzle that is where Network Marketing fits in very well. Network Marketing is not only a 2017 deal, it is NOW and the FUTURE.

5. Appreneurship

To begin with let’s start by shading more light on what I mean by Appreneurship. Appreneurship is investing not only in developing Apps but more importantly creating systems that run an App as a business.

Now this is a virgin sector, nothing much has been done in as far as the innovative use of Apps is concerned. No doubt this industry will make the next millionnaires. Uber saw the opportunity flaring from a distance, quickly grabbed it and today Travis Kalanick the founder of Uber is a multi billionaire.

Yes, we have seen some few players in the previous years but the biggest problem I identified is lack of originality. You see – everyone investing in this sector is trying to be the Zimbabwean Uber. Its not only in transport sector where you can exploit this opportunity. Open your eyes wide and see the vast opportunities in this sector.

My advice is don’t try to create an instant messaging App. You can’t compete with WhatsApp, Viber, Zoom, Imo you name it. Those giants will kick you out of business before you even find your feet in the market.

To compress this article, these opportunities are vacant and are up for grab. Find out where your passion lies and without wasting time grab the opportunity before the market is flooded.


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Diaspora Matters

Diaspora Bonds: The Diaspora Need More Than Homelink

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One key topic within the Diaspora community is Real Estate! Investment in homes back home and also in the Diaspora. An increasing number of people are investing in foreign land as some have taken up foreign residency and citizenships.

Now we have interesting cases of people who have invested in homes back home as well as the Diaspora, this community now wants more! They now want investment in other forms and not necessarily Real Estate. Some time back we had Zimbos in UK sending back used cars for resale, a business venture which peaked during the 2007-2012 period. Earlier, we had witnessed our Diaspora community investing in trucks (magonyeti) during the 2005-2007 period.

So the question here is that the Diaspora wants more than Homelink homes and what are the options available? Today we will examine the option of Government Bonds and our case studies are going to be Israel and India.

Diaspora Bonds

‘The rationale behind diaspora bonds is twofold. For the countries, diaspora bonds represent a stable and cheap source of external finance, especially in times of financial stress. For investors, diaspora bonds offer the opportunity to display patriotism by helping their country of origin.’ Ketkar and Dilip

Although remittances are the best known flow of monies from the diaspora to its homeland, there are other instruments that can capture some of these monies as well. Foreign currency accounts and bonds are designed to specifically attract the migrants’ monies. A diaspora bond is a debt instrument issued by a country – or potentially, a sub-sovereign entity or a private corporation – to raise financing from its overseas diaspora.

Foreign currency bonds have been around for at least as long as remittance bonds but once again are targeted to migrant workers abroad. As explained by Lowell, the bonds are denominated in a foreign currency and bearer certificates are issued, permitting the holder to redeem them for cash anonymously. High interest rates and premium exchange rates are given. These schemes are thought to attract remittances into formal banking, although they may be most attractive to professional and higherincome migrants.

Diaspora savings can be channelled to projects that have multiplier effects in the home country, rather than being transferred in the form of transfers that have little or no multiplier effects.

Israel: Some of the first diaspora bonds were the State of Israel Bonds issued in 1951.

India: The Indian government has consistently pursued diasporic capital. Between 1991 and 2000 it issued 3 separate savings schemes aimed at the diaspora. In 1992 the government issued ‘India Development Bonds’ and in 1998 and 2000 it launched ‘Resurgent India Bonds’ and ‘India Millennium Development Bonds’. Each offering was targeted towards infrastructure financing in India.

Sri Lanka: The Government of Sri Lanka has also sold Sri Lanka Development Bonds since 2001 to several investor categories including non-resident Sri Lankans.

Israel and India have raised over $40 billion through issuing diaspora bonds. There is scope for other countries with large Diasporas to issue diaspora bonds to raise finance for development.

Given the evident success and financial yields of the issuance of diaspora bonds in India and Israel, it is surprising that so few other countries have followed suit.

Food for thought for African Governments.


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Diaspora Matters

How much does it cost to run for a Parliamentary Seat?

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So we are always posting business advice, how to be successful in business, how to start a business, how to manage a business etc. Now one of our members said hey hold on-not everyone is born to be an entrepreneur, how about Politics as a Career?

Now we all know about this field, we are not going to give much advice except to analyse one area of interest to business and that is the COST of running for office. How much it will cost you to run and possibly win a parliamentary seat in Zimbabwe.

Most of the information we will use is publicly available. So just like any business, Politics is risky business and involves a lot of costs. We are not sure of the returns though, how politicians recoup most of the costs that they would have incurred.

The trend in Zimbabwe over the past elections has been that for one to win a seat, you must have worked extremely hard to attract potential voters. In the rural areas be prepared to repair roads, renovate schools, donate chickens, buy bicycles in order to stand a good  chance of winning a seat. Be prepared to ferry members of the public to your rallies, you also need to feed them. You have to come up with various ‘incentives’ for your election agents or election promoters. Expect to spend a considerable amount of money on promotional materials such as tshirts and posters, you may even need to hire popular musicians to prop you up.

Now dear reader, doing all of this does not guarantee you a win-you can still lose despite a heavy investment in running for office-we have seen cases of politicians who go back to the constituencies where they lost to demand various goods and properties they would have ‘donated’.

In urban areas in the past there was no need for heavy investment in running for office. You just needed a few posters and a couple of rallies and be guaranteed of a win depending on the political party you would have aligned with. The trend however now shows that one needs heavy investment, it is no longer business as usual-the recent Norton Bye Election is a good case in mind.

So by now you must still be wondering, what is the actual cost of running for office? What is the figure? Our answer is that one needs at least US$80,000 to win a seat depending on the strategic location of the seat and the level of competition involved. It’s a game for the big boys and sisters, you will definitely need a big purse!

Publicly available information provided by Hon Themba Mliswa on an interview with Fingaz shows that he did spend above $80,000 and this figure does not include the use of his vehicles during the recent election. A similar figure was spend for another election that took place in Mashonaland West a few years back.

So there you have it dear folks, this figure is just a guide and may increase or decrease depending on political events or macro-economic events prevailing in the country at the time.

So we wish you all the best if you decide to run for office in 2018. Just remember that money alone will not win you votes but will play a pivotal role in ensuring your victory because case studies abounds of folks who went bankrupt after running for office.


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Diaspora Matters

Free ZBIN Business Innovation of the week

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So its been a while  before we  gave  you free business innovation ha? The manufacturing plant where original business innovations cometh from had unexpectedly dried up. The last original and proudly Zimbabwean Innovation that we posted was possibly in December 2016 right? Anyway the good thing is we have one for our readers and we promise more in 2017, with some of them to be shared exclusively on our ZBIN Newsletter.

The Problem

So Harare has a lot of cars most of them being Ex Japs which need repairs and maintenance. They need insurance and various road permits. Some of the cars are being purchased by first time owners who maybe clueless on car servicing, how to solve mechanical and electrical problems-where to get help etc

Now how about one central website or app where all information is available…Dial a mechanic, source insurance products, dial a parts provider-compare car parts prices etc?

The Market is there with more than a million vehicles on our roads! Insurance companies would surely like to advertise on such a platform, car sellers both local and Japanese would love to advertise on such a platform. Car hire firms would surely gain by associating with Zimbabwe’s leading vehicle app?

Unlimited potential to youngsters with energy, vision and business skills.

ZBIN wishes you the best!


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Diaspora Matters

How to set up your own Consultancy Business

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Good Morning Investors, at ZBIN we wish you a Blessed Sunday! So this morning we will tackle the issue of setting up a Business Consultancy. A field that does not require a lot of capital as you can actually start this business from home. You can also start as a part time and test the waters before fully launching your consultancy.

In this day and age, anyone can be a consultant. All you need to discover is what your particular gift is. Aare you able to take that knowledge you have gained and turn it into a resource that someone would be willing to pay money for? Then you would have no trouble working as a consultant.

Two Critical Factors to Consider Before You Become a Consultant

  • What certifications and special licensing will I need? There are certain professions that require certifications such as Accounting, Auditing, Law and the Medical field. Some may not require certifications such as being a wedding planner, events management, music promotions and interior décor.
  • Do I like to network? The biggest hurdle in Consultancy is Networking, most people fear networking. ZBIN will cover more posts about how to effectively network and build your profile.

Who is your Target Market

Your idea may be the best one you have ever thought of, but there needs to be a market for your ideas. Someone must be willing and able to pay you for your expert advice

  • In other words, who are your potential clients? Will you be marketing your consulting services to large corporations? Or will you offer a specialty that would only be of interest to smaller businesses? Perhaps your services will be sought after by nonprofit organizations. Whatever the case, before you go forward, make sure you spend time preparing both a business plan and a marketing plan. You won’t be disappointed with the results–especially when clients begin paying you

Why an Organization Wants to Hire You

  1. A consultant may be hired because of his or her expertise. This is where it pays to not only be really good in the field you have chosen to consult in, but to have some type of track record that speaks for itself. For example, when I mentioned earlier that I had become an expert as a fund-raising consultant, I knew that every client who hired me was doing so partly on the basis of my track record alone. After all, if you are a non-profit organization that needs to raise $1 million, it makes sense to hire someone who has already raised millions for other organizations.
  • A consultant may be hired to identify problems. Sometimes employees are too close to a problem inside an organization to identify it. That’s when a consultant rides in on his or her white horse to save the day.
  • A consultant may be hired to supplement the staff. Sometimes a business discovers that it can save thousands of dollars a week by hiring consultants when they are needed, rather than hiring full-time employees. Businesses realize they save additional money by not having to pay benefits for consultants they hire. Even though a consultant’s fees are generally higher than an employee’s salary, over the long haul, it simply makes good economic sense to hire a consultant.
  • A consultant may be hired to act as a catalyst. Let’s face it. No one likes change. But sometimes change is needed, and a consultant may be brought in to “get the ball rolling.” In other words, the consultant can do things without worrying about the corporate culture, employee morale or other issues that get in the way when an organization is trying to institute change.
  • A consultant may be hired to provide much-needed objectivity. Who else is more qualified to identify a problem than a consultant? A good consultant provides an objective, fresh viewpoint–without worrying about what people in the organization might think about the results and how they were achieved.
  • A consultant may be hired to teach. These days if you are a computer consultant who can show employees how to master a new program, then your telephone probably hasn’t stopped ringing for a while. A consultant may be asked to teach employees any number of different skills. However, a consultant must be willing to keep up with new discoveries in their field of expertise–and be ready to teach new clients what they need to stay competitive.
  • A consultant may be hired to do the “dirty work.” Let’s face it: No one wants to be the person who has to make cuts in the staff or to eliminate an entire division.
  • A consultant may be hired to bring new life to an organization. If you are good at coming up with new ideas that work, then you won’t have any trouble finding clients. At one time or another, most businesses need someone to administer “first aid” to get things rolling again.
  • A consultant may be hired to create a new business. There are consultants who have become experts in this field. Not everyone, though, has the ability to conceive an idea and develop a game plan.
  • A consultant may be hired to influence other people. Do you like to hang out with the rich and famous in your town? If so, you may be hired to do a consulting job simply based on who you know. Although most consultants in this field are working as lobbyists, there has been an increase in the number of people entering the entertainment consulting business.
  • Credit

Consider setting up a Facebook page that promotes your Consultancy Business. If you have no time to set up and manage one then join friendly Business Facebook Pages such as ZBIN where we like to promote Consultancies. You can also set up your own website which helps to promote your business. The costs of setting up websites are going down year and from $150 one can set up a basic website. Another option includes writing a column in local newspapers.


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Diaspora Matters

Top 8 Inspirational Start Ups from Philippines

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This evening ZBIN flies you to the city of Manila, anyone remember Thriller in Manila? Anyway Manila is  where we find the popular boxer Manny Pacquiao. In Phillipines they speak a language called Togalog and yours truly does speak 30%  Togalog. So what do we have from Phillipines this evening? The answer is a simple one, we are looking at the top 8 Start Up companies in the beautiful city of Manila and we will try and find out whether they can work in Southern Africa.

  1. Brainly Phillipines –A start up that helps students with homework assignments
  2. My Property– a company that helps with all real estate issues
  3. Manda Workshops– it helps entrepreneurs with capacity building and hosting workshops
  4. Bookbit-helps SMEs with online Accounting and Bookkeeping
  5. Bolooka– helps in selling local Filipino crafts
  6. Serious MD- connects all medical field players. Doctors, Nurses, Hospitals, Clinics, Laboratory Science Labs
  7. Robur-provides up to date company financials for stock brokers
  8. The Spark Project –A crowdfunding site for Filipinos

So there you are dear reader most of the Start Ups covered above are not available in Southern Africa, you should research more about them and consider introducing some in Lilongwe, Kafue, Plumtree, Polokwane or Maun.

In Zimbabwe I would recommend Start Ups for students looking for career guidance, scholarships and university information. Real Estate is a big issue in Zimbabwe and so far the sector is scattered with no one solid start up with all information about Real Estate issues and business. So till next Friday, ZBIN flies back to back to Harare and we wish you a wonderful and blessed weekend

Maraming salamat


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Diaspora Matters

Our 2017 Small Scale Mining Vision

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Our ZBIN Mining Group has a total membership of 256 active members and we are looking to expand the membership to 1,000 by end of year. No doubt our richest group as these are the folks with operating in a rich field of minerals.

So what is our vision for 2017?

Information Provision: On this website expect to see an improved site with a section for Small Scale Mining. On this section will be a lot of resources on mining such as The Mines and Minerals Act, Contact Persons from the Ministry and Mines, Mining Classifieds, Downloadable Application Forms and An Help Desk.

Networking Events: So far we have a great group and we are proud of our closely knit group. We hope to build on the strength already built by carrying out a number of networking events throughout the year. This will be a great platform for information and ideas exchange.

Registration: Our ZBIN Motto in 2017 is registration-formal registrations of members’ businesses and this applies to all ZBIN forums. We are therefore looking forward to helping members to register their businesses so that they can derive benefits associated with being a formal business.

Funding: There a lot of funding options available to Small Scale Miners, however few miners are accessing these loans. Reasons for failure to access these loans are plenty and range from lack of knowledge of the availability of these funds. Some do not have the requisite knowledge of how to apply for the loans or some do not know the advantages of accessing these loans. ZBIN will therefore ensure that we assist members with information as well as assistance in acquiring loans and other funding options available.

Diaspora Partnerships: In everything that ZBIN do, the Diaspora is covered as they are a key community. We are hoping to facilitate the partnerships of locals and the Diaspora in 2017. We will not have full scale partnerships but a few case studies that will be used to launch full scale partnerships in 2018 and beyond.

Mining Equipment Access: Mining equipment is expensive, one require a lot of resources in order to acquire mining equipment and resources are not easily available! We are therefore hoping to unlock opportunities for rental of equipment, rent to buy options or pooling of resources by members in the purchase of mining equipment in 2017.

Mining Tours: We hope to launch quarterly mining tours which should benefit members, investors and any key stakeholder interested in the mining sector. We had one tour of Mashonaland West in 2016, we are looking forward to improve and carry out more such tours in 2017.

Mining and the Environment: Mining causes irreparable damage to the environment. We hope to promote sustainable and environmental friendly practices by our members. We will share more information on this initiative and reward miners who are observing this.

Mining across the borders: We have members who are into mining in neighbouring countries. We hope to explore linkages with them as some are in Mozambique and  Tanzania.

Job Portal for the Mining Sector. Increased investment in the sector, increased partnerships, increased information exchange should result in the expansion of the sector and this should see the sector looking for more people to employ. We hope to become the only official portal for mining job and consultancy opportunities.

Linkages with established mining companies: We hope our members to benefit from good practices from well-established mining companies. Linkages established should result in better management, markets creation and investment improved.

So together we can and lets unlock investment opportunities in the mining sector through effective partnerships and information exchange.

If you would like to join our ZBIN Mining Group then send your number to Catherine Shava on 0776 196 313


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