
Diaspora Matters

Diaspora Matters

ZBIN Women Empowerment Initiatives

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ZBIN is now officially a regional centre of women empowerment! This is not surprising because 60% of the ZBIN board is made up of women. The secretariat of ZBIN is made up of 99% women. Our membership is made up of 60% women and our programme beneficiaries to date are 90% women. It is not therefore surprising that most of our successful projects are designed by women for women!


We would therefore like to share with you some of our women aligned programmes to look forward to and they include:


Tapestry (Production of carpet rugs)-we introduced the programme in July 2017 and to date we have empowered more than 100 women in Zimbabwe, Malawi, South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland and Botswana. We will be launching it in Namibia and South Africa in Mozambique in October. The programme is expected to empower more than 15,000 women by the end of 12 months helping them to form business ventures that makes and sells carp rugs. No better way to empower women than to let them use their intelligence and innovation! The programme is regional in focus and has started on a good note with an initial training of Regional Tapestry Champions being conducted at the Zimbabwe Business Ideas and Network Offices in Monavale, Harare. The programme combines technical skills with entrepreneurship skills –there is more emphasis on digital markets so that women can access markets beyond traditional marketing methods. An added bonus of the programme is free training to women in prison which seeks to rehabilitate women leaving prisons in Southern Africa.

Regional champions Training on 9 August in Harare

Malawi-Lilongwe Launch on 28 August 2017
Trained 11 on 12 September 2017

Baking and Cooking Classes-The Baking and Cooking Community is the second largest ZBIN community with over a thousand members. Women share cooking and baking information especially baking for commercial purposes. Training workshops are conducted every month by individual group members and has worked well for the group.


Making Smoked Chicken and Sausages– A new programme still in our laboratory, it is meant to unlock business opportunities by empowering women to produce smoked chickens and sausages and also producing ham for sale. The programme is scheduled to start at the end of October and will be cascaded to the region using the same model we used for Tapestry. The programme has a target of 10,000 regional women reached in 12 months.

Detergents and Perfume Making-The programme to be launched in November and seeks to cascade our empowerment initiative to regional countries. There are existing initiatives running in the region but they are not marketed well and in many cases there are no central portals for information dissemination or learning-a key weakness we will be correcting in creating one central place for learning or information dissemination purposes.

So look forward to more exciting women empowerment initiatives in Southern Africa and join one of them. We have other programmes targeting the Christian Communities through business presentations and Youth Entrepreneurs Programme.




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Diaspora Matters

Creating Value


Whether you’re the CEO of a company or the CEO of your career, it’s your job to create value for others and to capture some of the value you create.

In the case of running a company, you create a product that customers value.

Customers are so excited to receive the value your product provides that they gladly pay the product’s price.

The product creates value.

The price the customer gladly pays is the value capture mechanism.

When you’re managing your own career, the work you do for your employer is the value you create.

The salary, bonuses, or commissions you receive in exchange is your value capture mechanism.

In terms of growing companies’ revenues or increasing your personal compensation, there are two ways to go about it.

The first is to create more value.

The second is to capture more of the value you create.

Most people focus on the second mechanism… getting customers to spend more money or getting your boss to give you a raise.

The problem with this approach to value capture is that only one person wins.

Here are two examples.

Your product creates $100 of “value” for your customer.

You charge customers $50 for the product.

After subtracting the product’s price, the “net value” the customer receives is $50.

Let’s say you raise your prices from $50 to $75.

In this case, it’s a zero sum game.

For you to get $25 more in price, the customer loses $25 in price.

You win, but your customer loses.

This becomes an adversarial dynamic.

In order for you to win, your customer must lose.

In order for your customer to win, you must lose.

The same idea works between employee and employer.

Let’s say as an employee you create $100,000 in value for your employer each year.

Assuming your salary is $50,000, your employer receives $50,000 in “net value” each year from your work.

If you ask for a $25,000 raise, your employer loses $25,000 in value in order for you to gain $25,000 in value.

You’re proposing you keep $75,000 of the value you create, leaving your employer with $25,000 in value.

Once again, this is a zero sum game. For you to win, your employer must lose (and vice versa).

As you can see, focusing only on value capture has two downsides.

First, the value you capture can never exceed the fixed value you create for others. The amount you’re negotiating over is finite.

Second, the relationship becomes adversarial. Only one of you can win and does so at the expense of the other.

Instead of focusing only on value capture, the far more interesting approach is to focus on creating value first, then value capture.

If you create a new version of your product that delivers $200 in value to the customer instead of $100, they aren’t going to balk if you raise your prices from $50 to $75.

With the product that creates more value, even after subtracting your higher price of $75, they receive $125 of value ($200 price – $75 price = $125 net value received).

This is a much better deal than the original product ($100 of value – $50 price = $50 net value received).

Suddenly the customer is quite happy to pay you more when they, in turn, receiveway more value than what they paid you.

Similarly, let’s say you’re an employee that landed a new account, created a new product or found some cost savings measure such that instead of delivering $100,000 in value to your employer, you deliver $200,000 in value this year.

Suddenly there’s no resistance in asking that your $50,000 salary be increased to $75,000.

Even after giving you this raise, your employer now receives $125,000 in “net” value ($200,000 in value – $75,000 in salary = $125,000 in net value).

This too is a better deal than before your raise, where your employer only received $50,000 in net value ($100,000 in value – $50,000 in salary = $50,000 in net value).

The great thing about the “create value for others first” approach is that the absolute level of your compensation is not finite.

If you create $1 million in value for your employer or client, you can earn $100,000 or more very easily.

(Or you can easily switch to another employer who will gladly take your $1 million in value for your $100,000 in compensation.)

If you create $10 million in value for your employer or client, receiving $1 million in personal compensation is very acceptable in comparison.

When you focus only on value capture, there’s a limit as to how far you can go.

Most people’s income tends to hit a ceiling at some point.

Most people tend to focus on value capture, rather than value creation.

These two observations aren’t a coincidence.

-Victor Cheng 



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Diaspora Matters

Business Ideas for Women in South Africa

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The ZBIN forum is now truly regional in focus as we now have business groups and members in Malawi, Zambia, Swaziland, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe and South Africa. Every minute, there is a business discussion going on in our groups with some speaking in Chewa, Njanja, Sesotho, Tswana, Ndebele, Zulu or Swazi…the list of language is endless. We have become truly regional catering for the needs of our members in the various countries that we cover. One of our latest initiative is the formation of special whatsapp business groups that promote businesses from members. Members do not just advertise their products and services but get to promote each other-buying from each other and helping in advertising as well.

One of our focus this morning is South Africa, the land of 50 million people! The richest African nation south of the equator and we cover comments posted on one of our sister forums. A member had asked what sort of business she can do with a capital of R2000.

We emphasize that when it comes to starting businesses, do not start with capital-rather start with markets and then seek capital last. Starting with capital limits your options, it limits your innovation and often leads to  you investing in areas you are not familiar with. So start with what you enjoy doing and then seek markets for it.

Anyway below we feature some of the responses from members. Please note that we are not encouraging you to follow up with the people who posted and conduct business as we have not verified whether what they are saying works nor whether they are selling genuine products or services.


Peegee Khumalo Start a perfumes/Detergents manufacturing business, I can assist you get started. For your R2000 you will get a profit of ±R7000 your first month .

Sisanda Ka Nhanha Solomon join Forever and sell our products for profit

Ranwedzi Forex Trader Calvin Forex trading

Ephy Monna Manyaka Where is your interest if i may asking…?are you interesting in selling unique products or?

Zanele Dlams Be careful though don’t give your money to people for nothing

Tebogo MJ Mpanyane invest in bitcoins

Linda Ndlwana Join TLC with R1000 get 5 teas ,resell them @ R350 each

Portia Saku Sell these perfumes. Whatsup me on 0789650816

Taffy Muza Buying and selling of second hand clothes for kids and ladies. Inbox if interested

MaliwaJr BabakaOlwethu Ma guy, be your Own Bassi for the starters i prefere u make your own chemical manufacturing ngi Owner i Business engalqala ngo R700 only easy followable Steps. No machines needed buy the Raw chemicals and start making ur own Face wash its about to get hot. Majority needs dry skin/ with low fats/ fresh and tender I can give u all the ropes!  i started with a 25L which produced /gave me a return of R5000 I sTILL Do

Reeva Forman REEVA Beauty & Health products . Star as s REEVA condultant and build a sales team. Excellent income obtainable and sustainable.
Reeva Forman
Cell 0832287777

Pieter Van Der Merwe I do wholesale pergume 30ml @ R25 can sel them for R60+

Ilona Van Staden Selling ladies accessories is a good start. Women buy a lot and u will make a good profit.

Tuks Tuks buy 50kg of washing powder with 600 then resell with 20ltr

Mandla Biyela With that R2000 I can teach you how to make perfumes. You will get the kit and atleast 30 perfume to start off the business

Lemogang Sebeco Stock Brazilian and Peruvian hair.inbox

Phomelelo LeAmo Mampholo Sell suits..

Nikita Bhanprakash Selling comforter me on 0783074049

Sheilla Chisi As little as R190,, no limited order, no dead stock, and for all you my friends who would like to buy one or know more about ths, just hit my inbox



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Diaspora Matters

ZBIN Weekly Update: Simply Refreshing


Last week there was a special occasion of business graduates in town, they were not ordinary graduates  but extra ordinary graduates with special skills and technical expertise on managing businesses in an increasingly complex environment. They are graduates equipped with skills  to join any company or organisation and excel in their roles. Some are or will be accountants, some business consultants, some journalists, some marketing executives…some practically everything.

We welcome the graduation of the Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) last week especially those that completed the gruelling course to become ACMAs, CGMAs or those that become fellows of the institute FCMA. I remember getting an ACMA, CGMA badge and being told to wear it with pride! We have to give credit to the British for a powerful and relevant business qualification that is in demand the world over! The forum is going to cover some of the top topics that comes from the institute and apply them to the local or regional context.

So Refreshing

We were at another church event this morning and what a refreshing experience. In my case, i was at peace with my soul and thoroughly enjoyed everything that took place, the sermon and of course our action on business presentation. All credit goes to Mr T Mudede who also happens to be my brother in law. He did not know of my role at ZBIN and only got to be shocked when he realised that mukuwasha was representing a popular business forum.

The church is increasingly taking an interest in business and this is encouraging, information on business opportunities is filtering through although we are yet to see any church member who has benefited from government funds such as the Export Funds, Cross Border/Homelink  or Command Mining.

Our objective was of changing the mindset on business, identifying business opportunities that are not visible to others and ensuring that the church is organised and ready for emerging opportunities! We have follow up trainings including train the trainer courses so that churches can communicate and organise entrepreneurship packages for their congregants. The United Methodist Church became the fourth church we have covered this year bringing the tally of congregants we have reached to more than 1,500, not bad in a city with a population of 2 million. We should reach out to at least 10,000 before the end of the year since the launch of the programme in April 2016.

Live from Botswana

Our team was in Gaberone in Botswana and we got off to a good start, do expect more updates on what we are doing that side as we carry with the gospel of entrepreneurship and empowerment. We will be in South Africa next week  where we have a number of trainings line up in at least 4 cities.

Whats Up this Week

  1. More local trainings-we have also received an invite from a DRC Delegation that visited out offices on Friday. We will follow up on the invite and ensure that we cover the country in future.
  2. Volunteers – They say for capacity building to be effective, it has to be demand driven. You cannot just go to a small business owner and say you would like to train them. There will be no ownership nor commitment the program-instead, let them define what they want and the deliver. This is the approach we will be using with the train the trainers course for local churches.
  3. Young Entrepreneurs-We have been asked the question on young entrepreneurs several times. We are slowly building up the momentum on young entrepreneurs and any follower of our church presentations should see that they are designed with youths in mind. We have more exciting programs coming up that we will share with you once the design is complete.
  4. Website Page-our website to be redesigned and include a section on Opportunities. Your chance to showcase opportunities available in the country and the region. If you have a business opportunity then be on the lookout on updates related to this.
  5. More Facebook Lives-Expect 2 or 3 Facebook lives during the week.


Wishing you a productive and blessed week

Wa Mdala




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Diaspora Matters

United Methodist Church Business Presentation


Tomorrow the forum will be in Sunningdale in Harare where we will be doing a business presentation at the Methodist Church at 12:00am. A great opportunity for us to help the christian community with business skills especially on identifying opportunities in an increasingly tough environment. Our focus will be on women and youths and we hope to make positive impact that will result in many having a positive attitude to business and starting their own business. This is our fourth church business presentation after presenting at ZAOGA (twice), Holiness Rivival and Salvation Army churches.

We would like to thank StartApp Biz for linking us with the church through Mr Mudede. We share this presentation in advance so that members can follow through our presentation by downloading the presentation in advance.


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Diaspora Matters

The Key Story is Business

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With the economy in the state it is in, the key story becomes business! It is not a coincidence that business leaders met the Head of the State during the week. It is all systems business as the business sector, the NGO and Government all turn their focus on business. The country needs to fix business concerns because they affect every facet of life, business is at the centre of everything in Zim.

Fail to fix business and politicians will be in trouble, just look closely at current political rallies. Fadzai Mahere conducted business trainings in her constituency and it was well attended, Zanu Pf this week introduced a poultry scheme and guess what they also introduced? They introduced business training to complement the poultry scheme.

A number of NGOs have been flighting adverts on Facebook and they are targeting one key area-Business! You see, you cannot talk of HIV and Aids success if business is going southwards, you cannot talk of success of a climate interventions when people do not have jobs.

Fabulous stuff has been done in sectors such as HIV and Aids where HIV prevalence has been reduced, the number of deaths reduced but guess what? If the sector continues with the same approach they have been using, the same methodology or strategy then they are missing a big mark. If you have no business in your interventions then you are telling a tired story!

If you are doing things the same way you have been doing over the past few years, then you got a tired story. The church is not left too, business discussions, business presentations are increasingly finding their ways onto the pulpit too. You cannot talk of gospel in the current set up and completely ignore business.

Churches that are going to be successful are those that read the current mood and environment-if it is not business then its a tired story ! Bishop TD Jakes met His Excellency yesterday and the report in The Herald talks more of business than anything, he met a Christian delegation where they were discussing business, he called for cooperation between Zimbabwe and the US Business sector. The story is unmistakably business. He came to the country for Business!
We have Kwese Tv coming onto the scene and it is likely to take the country by storm, one of the reasons is due to the fact that they have interesting Business Channels. A lot of entrepreneurship stuff that will sway viewers in their favour.

Current DSTV programs have little or nothing on business-they have failed to read the mood, they have failed to read the challenges on the ground. For this reason, iam switching to Kwese when it becomes available. ZTV has a good number of programs on entrepreneurship-unfortunately they use the same tired approach of getting a few people in the studio to talk about business. Sometimes they interview successful business people….hardly inspiring stuff, the producers just like at DSTV definitely out of touch with reality.

Strive Masiyiwa gets millions of views per post on a weekly basis why? Simple –he represents business, he represents entrepreneurship! Africa is searching for entrepreneurship heroes and heroines-what is happening to Zim is not unique, our regional programmes have shown an increase in appetite for small businesses in countries such as Malawi, Botswana, Swaziland, Namibia, South Africa and Lesotho. Everyone has business on their lips, jobs are increasingly becoming tougher to get in the region. Its record high unemployment in Botswana, Namibia hit too…ask for evidence from Zimbos failing to obtain permits or renew them in these countries. They can no longer host foreign nationals on their soil-they must go back from where they came from.

So Strive Masiyiwa Business, Fadzai Mahere Business, TD Jakes Business, The Church Business, Political Parties Business…Everyone Business, the question becomes –what are you doing business wise?

Political Parties:

If you have no solid business demonstrable business models, then cry no foul when you get hit at the polls. When the economy faces challenges those promising and with solid strategies usually get the support of the populace. It is not about lying to people (Zw is an educated nation). It is about practical

TV Stations:

Dstv thought they are an entertainment company and have been dishing infor to us without a lot of consultations. They have been failing to read the mood on the ground where population dynamics are changing with a lot of youngsters having no formal jobs and therefore in search of new opportunities.

Private Companies:
You may be Delta or Old Mutual working in an economy where opportunities are limited for young people, consider business training and opportunities as part of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), this will make you relevant to the current environment. This applies to a lot of entities that are around town, if you are leaving business aside then you are missing the mark!


Strategies in the NGO world are usually fixed and not flexible. If your corporate agreement say you shall deliver 10,000 condoms then you must deliver 10,000 condoms. There is rarely room to negotiate nor discuss changes in the operating environment and tailor make programmes that suit the needs of people on the ground. It is this inflexibility that will render most NGO interventions ineffective-fail to read the mood, fail to adjust and your results may not be as effective.

Churches: Bishop TD Jakes just showed you the new way –business and religion, i need to repeat!

So the story is business, scripted in business and ends in business-ignore business at your own peril.


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Diaspora Matters

Mozambique Trade Fair Update


The Mozambiue Trade Fair ended last week and what a success! A lot of participants from across the world with South America (Brazil), Europe and Asia sending representatives. Our cousins from South of Limpopo were there too as is the norm.

How did Zim fare? The answer is Pathetic! We only had  3 representatives, 2 people from the SME Ministry and a small arts and crafts rep! Now this is unacceptable for a country that is facing serious forex shortages. This is a national embarrassment especially at this juncture where the buzz word in local business is serious export business.

Where was ZIMTRADE? This entity which recently won a continental award should consider returning it! How on earth we failed to send representatives to  this important event is mind boggling. Big business bodies such as the Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) should also take the blame for the failure to fully represent the nation at this important business event.

Our Maputo Rep, Charity at the Zim stand at the Moz Trade Fair

Maybe we are being too harsh on them, Zimbabwe has never taken Mozambique seriously when it comes to business. The number one problem is perception-almost everyone views Mozambique as a poverty stricken country that is largely dependent on aid. The second problem is the language barrier. Portuguese seem to be a barrier to doing business in the neighbouring country. As a result, many a company prefer English destinations when it comes to business. There is need for a change in attitude if we are to succeed in business in that country-we have to learn Portuguese!

South Africans are all over the country looking for untapped business potential, Our Nigerian brothers are there too-travelling thousands of kilometres to reach the country, our friends from China are there too busy extracting natural resources. If other nationalities who do not speak Portuguese are flocking to Moz  then we have not excuse for the language barrier!

Mozambique Opportunities

Tourism: Tourism is picking up and the sector presents many opportunities to serious investors

Agribusiness: A growing area as agriculture production expands in the vast country

Construction: It is picking up in areas such as Maputo and a number of Zimbo companies are involved.

Education: The increased migration of Non Portuguese speaking people is creating avenues for English Speaking educational institutions

Zimbo Community Services: The Zimbo community in Mozambique is increasing everyday resulting in the community requiring services such as money transfers which are currently pricey.

The list of opportunities is endless and all that is needed is a positive mindset and a good grasp of the Portuguese language. We sincerely hope that next year our country will have better representation at this important business fair.


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Diaspora Matters

Scholarships for Africans for the 2017/18 Academic Period


1a. 2017/2018 Fully Funded Scholarships – APPLY NOW…/
1b. List of DAAD Scholarships 2017/2018 – Apply Now…/

2. APPLY:Korean Government Scholarships for 170 Bachelors, 800 Masters & PhD for Developing Countries 2017-2018…/

3. TOP 15+ Scholarships Opportunities for Africans to Study Abroad 2017-2018…/

4. Joint Japan/World Bank Scholarship 2017-2018 Application Is Ongoing!…/

5. Erasmus Mundus Scholarships for All Countries 2017/2018 – Apply Now…/

6. List of Mastercard Foundation Scholarships 2017/2018 for Various Countries[Apply Now]…/

7. LIST Of African Student Scholarships to Study In USA(HOT)…/

8. Top 20+ commonwealth scholarships 2017-2018…/


10. Shanghai Government Scholarship for International Bachelors, Masters and PhD Students…/

11. Latest Canada Scholarships for Undergraduates, Masters and PhD Programmes 2017/2018…/

12. 230 Fully-funded Commonwealth Shared Scholarships for Students from Developing Countries…/

13. Top 10 UK Scholarships 2017-2018 For International Students…/

14. ONGOING: $50,000 OPEC/OFID Scholarships for Developing Countries 2017/2018 – APPLY…/

15. New Zealand Aid Programme Scholarship for African Countries, 2017…/

16. APPLY For British Chevening Scholarships 2017…/


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Diaspora Matters

Diaspora Investment-Start A Stationery Business


One of our objectives is to help members with free business opportunities information. We realized that there are a lot of people with access to credit or capital but lacking knowledge of what to invest in. Some end up investing in over flooded sectors which may not be profitable. One of our chief objectives is  therefore to assist members and followers with business opportunities in Southern Africa.

Today we cover a fast developing sector of education. Our last survey showed that the number one priority for most families is education for children! This is the area where most resources are flowing to and helps explain the mushrooming of private schools across Zimbabwe. If you look at an expanding sector in Zim then education is one of them. It starts from primary school, high  school and up to college level. A growing population in urban areas is fueling the growth in investment in this crucial sector of the economy.

Related to education is an important business sector that we feel has room for more entrants. Today we cover stationery business and the story affects all countries where ZBIN has coverage. Most stationery is imported from China where it is sold in bulk at affordable prices.

The Catch

The catch with importing from China is that you need to import in bulk, they prefer bulk orders. Bulk orders mean that you have to put in more funds in the venture as orders may need a minimum of $400 and above.

Solving the situation

One can solve the situation by partnering with others especially a Diaspora Investor looking at areas to invest in.

Practical Example

For practical examples, we urge readers to visit or and search Stationery. Do a comparison of prices you find there and local prices. In most cases stationery is being sold 4 to 5 times its cost in China.

Business Plan

Do not just plunge in and order stationery without developing a business plan. Do carry out research on the market, study competitors and assess whether you can make profits.


ZBIN wishes you a blessed weekend



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Diaspora Matters

Lessons learnt from Somali Owned Spaza Shops in South Africa


There are a lot of positives that can be learnt by analysing the Somali owned Spaza Shops. First,  the Somalis are hardworking people. In Zimbabwe I used to  see them walking along the Harare-Mutoko Road bound for South Africa. These guys will be having no luggage…Comrades and Friends..these guys will be having absolutely NOTHING in terms of possession. Vanenge vangori mawoko zvavo vachifamba in silence vakananga SA.

We are  not sure where they go to in Harare, but we have  never seen them walking on the stretch of the road  between Harare and Beitbridge. Perhaps they get sponsors in Harare who fund their travel  to South Africa? Perhaps they get cheaper transport to South Africa? We  do not have all the answers but  sometimes  we see them at the Beitbridge Border Post and after that they disappear into South Africa.

The next news I hear about these Somalis is that they would have set up some small shops in South Africa…they would have set up what are called Spaza shops?

Now our  question is who provides them with capital? Why is it other nationals do not dominate the Spaza shops sector in South Africa? Why are Zimbos not opening Spaza shops?

What is the business model that the use which is not being used by other nationals? ZBIN asked this question to our forum and below we cover responses:

Norah Bwanya Vanochengetana vanhu ivavo. other Somalis who ve st base help them out

Shyreen Muringai ii know of nigerians vakabatana zvisingaite vanopanana mabasa and vanomira vese kana zvaoma zve.

Praise Chabona Another thing is some of the Somalis are business pple in their own land. So when they escape from their war zone they leave with cash only thats why when they are walking in other countries other than zimbabwe they travel only at night in fear that they are robbed or even killed. In those other countries they cant even board buses because they get robbed. Its only when they get to Zimbabwe Nyamapanda border they are free to travel whatever time and they sometimes look for shelter/food in pples houses. Some yers back they used to walk to Harare where they are sheltered at a refugee camp in waterfalls. From there they are provided with transport to SA. Since 2013 the Somalis are nolonger allowed to walk from Nyamapanda. A refugee camp has been set up and transport is always ready for them there. 

Gilda Gore Isu hedu maZimbo kungotsikana konzi.noone wants to see the other prosper

Shungs Nemapare Nyumbu Ini my concern is that we are sending the wrong message to the world. African cannot get along without killing each other and so we (first world) need to go in and moniter them and subdue them. Run their countries for them and make them work for us. Once that happens its game over.

Farie Musakasa Kojo zimbos kunyeyana chete zvakaoma

Timothy Bhowa I stayed in Jozi back in 2008 in an area populated mainly by Nigereans and Cameroonians.These guys societies similar to burial societies lyk we find in Zim.They held weekly meetings to update each other on welfare issues- the new arrivals were given assistance,places to stay & assistance to start their own businesses until they cud stand on their own feet.They had a revolving fund to. achieve this.Contrast this with Zimbos.We shun each other and have been so brainwashed so much that we believe that business is not for us.Most us have left for the diaspora to look for jobs,not to start our own ventures nomatter how small.The Nigerian guys would always taunt me each time I went to fax my CVs @ their communication centres. This has stuck on my mind,”You Zimbabweans…you come hear to look for jobs.We(Nigerians) have come to make money.”Nigerans were into the internet business,photocopying,faxing,cellphone repairs etc whilst the Cameroonians had set up food outlets and hair salons.Catch the drift?Naturally Zimbos are selfish and lack the entrepreneurial spirit.

Makadzange Patience MaZimbos tinoitirana godo,handiziwi kuti kumachurch kwatoenda tinonamata chii,hatikwanise kubvunza kuti wasvika sei apa asi kushoorana chete

Praise Chabona I have tried to participate in Saving and lending activites ari kuitwa nesome women around the country but ey! kubirana kwacho kwakaoma. I hope we will change our attitude very soon

Mdala Wa Rue Aaah shame,kubatana kushoma pakati pedu maZimbo…i hope these schemes do not become ma Ponzi Schemes…do u remember what hapened in the mid 90s?

Praise Chabona Some have already proved to be ponzy bcoz in one of the groups kwainzi each member contributes $200/month and the group had 30 members. The administrators made sure that they placed themselves on the 1st positions. Saka ndivo vakatanga kuwana mari vachibva vangoshaikwa.

Miriam Rosalyn Pashapa Zimbabweans if we dnt unite we are going nowhere bt dwn the drain,unonzwa some zimbos even ku UK vaitengesana kuti munhu adzoserwe kumba honestly wat kind of a spirit is that?

Rodwell Maoneke MaZimbabweans hatina kubata,godo, kukara, humbimbindoga,ruvengo the list goes on. Ukawana chaunoziva ukadaidza hama kuti huya tibate pamwe unobirwa kana kuti munhu mangwana anomuka akutoshandisa njere dzako kutotanga zvake even without experience. Ukabatsira nemari haidzoke. From what I heard maSomalians vanobatsirana kuvhura maSpaza shop,unotanga nekushandira aka establisher then ozokubatsirawo kutangazvako.

Mdala Wa Rue Zvakawoma a friend said ndikawona mu Zimbo in SA ndinotarisa kuside even wandinoziva lol. Murikunyanyoitana seiko …tobudirirasei manje. Look at the Naija community in Zim?

Rodwell Maoneke Munhu iye aitaura chokwadi, hunhu hwedu hauna kunaka,get rich quick mentality ndiyo inotiuraya,patients hapana. Mukatanga musika pamwe kana worshop chaiyo pane ku expander zvamatanga umwe anomuka akavhura kake kamusika, ndipo panotangira kunyeyana



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