
Diaspora Matters

Diaspora Matters

Why are Jews so successful?

 Have you noticed many brilliant students of your class wear glasses? Most possibly they have myopia, an eye condition where eyeball becomes too long. Both hereditary and environmental factors are believed to be responsible for myopia. Interestingly the gene that controls growth of eyeball also controls growth of neo-cortex of brain and it explains higher percentage of myopia in high IQ people. Among all races, the rate of myopia is highest among Ashkenazi Jews, one of the four sub-groups of Jewish people. Many of the Nobel Prize winners, Chess grandmasters, top mathematicians and international bridge players are Ashkenazi Jews; these four areas are often considered to measure intellectual achievements of a race.

How successful are Jews?

There are four sub-groups of Jews. If you consider average native British IQ as 100 then Jewish IQ looks like; 110 for Ashkenazim Jews (German Jews), 99 for Sephardim Jews (Spain and Portugal), 91 for Mizrahim or oriental Jews(Arab Jews) and 66 for Ethiopian Jews. There Verbal and visualization-spatial IQ are 12 to 20 points higher than native population of a country.

Jews make up less than two-tenths of a percentage point of the world’s population, only .02 percent but they represent 10 percent of the Forbes 400 list of the world’s wealthiest people, more than 10 percent of the Fortune listed top CEOs, and 30 percent of all the Nobel Prize winners.

Over the years of 1901 to 1985, 541 Nobel prizes were awarded and 91 were won by Jews. Another way of describing it is, the rate of prize winner for European natives is 75 per 100 million populations, and the rate is 667 per 100 million for Jews.

Of the 200 American Nobel Prize winners 62 have been Jewish (31%) (data upto 2008). 21 of 89 German Nobel laureates are Jews. 3 of the 7 German and 6 of 16 US mathematicians who have won Wolf or Field Prize are Jews. 45% Nobel Prize winner economists are Jewish.

55 of the 156 top rated bridge players are Jewish (33%). Thus Jews who represent only 2% of American population produced 31% Nobel laureates and 33% top bridge players.

44% top Russian chess grandmasters are Jews (data upto 1975). Guess the religion of Gary Kasparov and Boby Fischer.

Top scholars of physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, law, and economy are they. Music and literature are their other fields of expertise; 52% of the Pulitzer Prizes for nonfiction, 15% of the fiction, 20% of the poetry, 34% of the drama, Jews have won. Joseph Pulitzer himself was a Jew.

Note that most of these achievements are of Ashkenazim Jews, achievements of other Jewish subgroups are similar to any other races. I haven’t talked about finance and banking, natural resource and energy, real estate, media and entertainment sectors. If I tell you about these sectors you will believe in every conspiracy theory that exists, from Amartya Sen Getting Nobel by marrying Emma Rothschild to most recent remote control disappearance of Malaysian plane in Diego Garcia Base.

Let’s look at the theories of their success

The persecution and discrimination hypothesis: Jews were persecuted and discriminated against for centuries. More intelligent and wealthy Jews would avoid killing by paying ransom or fleeing, low intelligent Jews would get killed. Ashkenazi Jews were persecuted more often than other Jews. Survival of the fittest and most intelligent Jews have made their descendants highly intelligent. This also explains their higher IQ. Jews are nomad for few centuries with no fixed land, so they value money and that’s why they are in banking sector. Mizrahim, Sephardic Jews were less persecuted, discriminated and practiced eugenics less, resulted in survival of low IQ children. This shows a minority population can succeed even after discrimination.

Eugenics Hypothesis: Among Jewish sub-population IQ difference is explained by saying that Ashkenazi Jews performed better eugenics practice than other Jews. Eugenics consists of custom and practice that ensure greater number of surviving children of the more intelligent. Wealthy Jews have enjoined to marry their daughter to scholars; wealth and intelligent combination created higher survival rate of intelligent children. The most highly intelligent Christian would join the church where they have to follow celibacy; whereas Judaism encourages Rabbis to marry young and avoid birth control practices. This tradition resulted in low number of intelligent descendants from Christians and high number from Jews.

Genetically transmitted intelligence: Ashkenazi Jews have parents who are highly intelligent; they provide their children with proper nutrition, health care and cognitive stimulation. Because of their low fertility rate, small family size, and housewife mothers, they can take extra care of their children.

Strong family and race network: They believe in race unity and race purity; Jews have been discriminated against for many centuries, so they have developed an unusually strong sense of solidarity and predisposition towards mutual help and support.

Strong work motivation theory: Their family and religious values put strong emphasis on success. They have strong motivation to work hard and succeed, a strong work ethic that gives them exceptional will power. Jews also attach a lot of valuation on study and education.

Marginal man theory by Thorstein Velben: Because of migration Jews become liberated from any pre-conceived ideas. Partial liberation of Jews from traditional Judaism and partial assimilation into native European society endow the intellectuals Jews with virtue of detached thinking and skepticism. Skeptical, alienated, liberated minds are best suited for study of science, where minds are not clouded by local custom, idols, religion or pre-modern form of reference.

Special aptitude theory: It says Jews are more creative, imaginative, and intelligent than other races. They have special skill in financial and business management (Nathan Glaze); ability to take quick advantage of new opportunities, recognize unprecedented situation and devise methods to handle it(Paul Johnson); emphasis and opportunity of constant practice, study and lesson from highly successful previous Jews (William Rubinstein).

Multifactorial theory by Cormac O’Grada: Following factors help them;bourgeois virtues such as sobriety, a desire to succeed, a dislike of violence, emphasis on education and learning, and high self-esteem have led them to success.

Luck theory by A. Godley: Reason behind Jewish success is luck, various world events luckily have gone in their favor.

It is interesting to note that Jews are underrepresented in two areas, sports and crime!


The Chosen People: A Study of Jewish Intelligence and Achievement: Richard Lynn: 9781593680367: Books


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Diaspora Matters

Weekly Update: Zimbabwe’s Millenials and Business


The Millenials are people born between 1980 and 2000.Millennials are likely the most studied and talked about generation to date. They are the first generation in history that have grown up totally immersed in a world of digital technology, which has shaped their identities and created lasting political, social and cultural attitudes.
Like every other generation, Millennials display generalized and unique traits that make them different from their predecessors.

This group has a lot of interesting characteristics that should attract the attention of many stakeholders such as the business sector, the academic field, politicians, religion and civic society.

The generation is totally different from preceding generations, they started using computers at an early age, learning about computers is a must for all preschools in town. Compare and contrast with yourself…when did you learn to use the computer? At what age did you get your own personal mobile phone?

This generation is the most educated, most techno savvy and there are a lot of interesting stuff to learn about them. This group presents an abundance of opportunities only to those who strategically place their business inorder to tap into opportunities presented by this group that constitute more than 60% of the population.

Do local companies take into consideration the existence of this group? No not at all….most directors leading companies are from old school, decision making is still old school….business models and approaches still old school. Great news for young entrepreneurs to introduce disruptive techniques that take on established business models and create opportunities for themselves. Simply bring in Ecocash and make established banking powerhouses like Stanchart run for their monies. Throw in Nyaradzo and they will run away with the market…kumhanya nechinhu before anyone else sees the light.

Where is this coming from?
In our book of ‘Business Opportunities for Zimbabweans’ we have 2 interesting chapters (Chapter 4 and 5) which helps young entrepreneurs to take head on established business models, the two chapters enable Diasporans to quickly establish businesses instead of patiently waiting for years to establish businesses locally. Some may not even need to leave their bases-you can benefit from opportunities in Zimbabwe without a need to set a foot here!

The book is a practical guide…we decided against simply listing investment opportunities and deem work completed. We made it an experience, a journey from the present into the future. The objective? To create a competitive advantage by tackling areas which most take for granted, by bringing in new perspectives, by studying Strive Masiyiwa and realising that you cannot be on Forbes Billionaire list if you lack global thinking and thinking beyond Zimbabwe!

So when we are saying its the best book on entrepreneurship in Zim to date we really mean it! Experiences of setting a new regional digital marketing record gives us authority to talk about the subject with evidence backed researches, we have captured the forum voices too-so do not be surprised to see your name in there. A 3 year experience, we thought compiling it was an easy stroll in the park but unfortunately we hit some potholes as we were putting together a book in a style never done before. We are just happy that the monkey is off our backs with the book finally coming out this week.

We can now breathe
Now we can concentrate on other key areas that been left behind such as consolidating our volunteer program, finalisation of our training calender, SME Researches and Capacity Building. Advocacy and Regional Virtual Training. More of this coming out during the coming few weeks. We are going to build upon the base we set last year by coming up with high impact regional programmes.

Amhlope to the Rabbits International Company. The first private company to be formed by ZBIN members, the company seeks to help develop the rabbit market in SADC and connecting many subsistence farmers to the market. Made up of 14 members, we are starting a low key model of connecting a few farmers to the market. We will work hard to supply a few hundred rabbits every month to a select few retail stores. We will scale up the model with time incorporating lessons learnt and kaizen improving. By end of year we should have cascaded it to the rest of the region.

Pleasing Results
The forum was formed for information dissemination and business discussions. In 2015 we realized that there was no vibrant forum that allowed Zimbos to discuss business, to ask business questions and get answers. There was no forum where people could get business infor for free. So we started the journey with 2.000 members and today the numbers has shot up to 34.000 with tens added every day.

Of the 34.000 about 10.000 are active members meaning a 34% effective rate on a weekly basis. We would like to thank you for active participation as the forum has a share of 3.4% of the total population of local Zimbabweans on Facebook.

We end by wishing you a blessed and productive week.

Asante Sana.

ZBIN Offices, No 34 Quendon Road, Monavale


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Diaspora Matters

Best Book on Business Opportunities for Zimbabweans Out


Finally the book you have been waiting for will be out tomorrow and available for sale during the weekend! It is a collection of some of our best business discussion and stories plus a lot of new material to inspire you to start a business. It covers some of our researches, business tours, trainings and observations. We have uploaded a snap shot of the book for your view. Costing $25, the book has been discounted so that it can be affordable to most people.

Targets groups include the diaspora, youth in business, sisters in business and locals. The book is also useful to someof our members across the region.

We thank you for your patience, finally the book is here after promising you in December 2017.

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Diaspora Matters

Investment Idea for Diasporans : Liquor Shops


Liquor shops are popular in the developed world. In Africa, South Africa comes top with some of the best liquor shops on the continent. In Zimbabwe they have been accepted too and every liquor shop in town is always busy with customers especially towards the end of the working week and weekends.

Have you ever paused and analysed why they are popular? Well there is a lot of science behind it…it is the experience of getting into a shop and choosing the drink one wants, walking around and comparing new brands and making a decision on quantities. This experience is not found with purchase of ‘off the counter’ drinks. The experience is amazing especially the ‘freedom’ to buy what you want. You can test the temperature too and you can even choose to return a drink before purchase if you see other shoppers buying or inquiring about a new brand that is in town. Here is the added good news-drinkers buy more beer from liquor shops than any other place such as pubs, supermarkets or bottle stores.

The designer of the Liquor Shop concept had thoroughly studied consumer behaviour in a concept called Design Thinking which was borrowed from the engineering field.

Hararians and Liquor Shops

We have had them for a while and they have been doing well. The one at Montagu competes with the one at Newlands. Another popular one is at Pendennis and at Zindoga the Munava one is also popular. Two years ago another one opened its doors to members of the public at Longchen.

Where else can you open them?

We carried out studies in Durban, Johannesburg, East London, Maseru , Musina and found out interesting trends. Do not miss out our book on investment opportunities which come out this Wednesday. We have developed the book with everyone in mind. There is however special focus on Diasporans because there are a lot of trends happening on the ground which you will never read about in newspapers or online. It includes an interesting chapter on digital marketing, opportunities in Agriculture, Services Sector, Star Investments, Mining, Guides on how to do business in China, South Africa and Malawi. Interviews of diasporans in Angola, Canada, Dubai, Mozambique, India and DRC. Priced at $25, the book is an interesting journey meant to equip you with knowledge and skills of taking advantage of business opportunities offered by the coming in of a new dispensation.

Do come back to this site on Wednesday evening  and grab a copy of investment opportunities, how to invest, inspiring stories of entrepreneurs and more.




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Diaspora Matters

Harare Fraudsters Pounce on Mobile Money Transfer Systems


Fraudsters are back in town! This time they are targeting the mobile money transfer system leaving a lot of small business owners to count heavy losses. How is this happening? We detail below in simple terms;

Normal mobile money transactions process involve one being given a merchant code and entering the code on one’s own phone and then showing the business owner a message that confirms money transfer.

The owner of the business checks with own phone to verify and confirm receipt before handing over goods to complete a sale.

How the system is being rigged

Fraudsters have developed an app that generates a fake mobile money transfer message which they keep in their phones. They produce and show the message to unsuspecting business owners purporting to have transferred money to purchase goods.

Business owners who are not alert may handover goods and complete a sale without checking whether they have received a confirmation message. Failure to check the message is resulting in a large number of business owners falling prey to fraudsters. Those targeted are small tuck-shop owners and small shops. Yesterday we heard a story of someone who lost goods valued at $500 and various stories of others falling for the same trick. For a small business, this kind of loss can throw the whole business under a bus!

Be vigilant

Confirm receipt of money transfer from customers by checking your phone. Do not be in a rush and sell goods before you have received money through transfer. In case of network problems, it is better to suspend sales than to lose goods to fraudsters.

Mobile Money Companies

This is not the first time for members of the public to lose funds to fraudsters. You have a moral responsibility to protect the integrity of the money transfer system and one way to do this is through publicity campaigns warning members of the public of unscrupulous elements using the system and putting in place monitoring systems. You should work hand n glove with the police because many businesses are folding due to these fraudsters who in most cases buy goods in bulk. Imagine the damage to peri-urban and rural business owners?

ZBIN will therefore be creating an online petition on our Facebook Page  to mobile companies to take corrective action to protect the integrity of the mobile money system. They should monitor their systems and help sensitize members of the public of risks coming from those abusing their systems. A monthly message to all subscribers warning them of fraudsters on the prowl will not cost them a fortune but will help save thousands of dollars for small business owners.



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Diaspora Matters

The future is Gold


The Sunday Mail reports that a record $108 million was disbursed to gold miners in January 2018. The amount is for the 2.7 tonnes of gold deliveries to Fidelity Printers, the gold buying arm of the Reserve Bank. This is great news given that almost half of this gold was delivered by small scale miners (1.2 tonnes).

In the article published by the leading weekly, the Zimbabwe Miners Federation spokesman Mr Dosman Mangisi believes that artisanal miners can deliver way above their current capacity if they access credit facilities. He says ‘ I tell you that if small-scale miners get adequate funds-even small packages of US$20.000-they will acquire critical pieces of machinery such as compressors and increase production’

Our country is fortunate to be endowed with a lot of natural resources and untapped minerals constitute a gold pot for entrepreneurs! Of course we have known about diamonds, copper, chrome, platinum, gold, coal and gold, however a new mineral seems to be enjoying the limelight, the mineral called Lithium has great promise for the country as it is used for many purposes such as ceramics, special glasses and of course batteries for computers, laptops and other electrical goods.

Back to gold, you cannot ignore the $108 million with practically half of it finding its way to small scale miners…there is no better way to empower locals than to give them mines! We expect mining to be disturbed by the incessant rains currently pounding most of the mining areas but with the sector bouncing back to full scale operations around April and then it will be advantage GOLD and other minerals.

So who benefits from minerals exploration especially gold? The first is the miners themselves and secondly Reserve Bank. Who else? We have some interesting stories of brothers in the diaspora benefiting too from the mining sector! Do you remember our story on Strive Masiyiwa’s farm? In case you have forgotten-we said ‘You do not necessarily need to own a farm in order to benefit from agricultural opportunities’ You also do not need to own a mine inorder to benefit from the mining sector as shown by Diasporans based in UK.

Find out more about investment opportunities in Zimbabwe buy supporting and buying our book called Investment Opportunities for Zimbabweans in 2018. The book is very comprehensive and features real life stories of entrepreneurs, covers agricultural, service sector, energy, mining, transport and virtual opportunities. It covers half of the stories we have featured on this site plus indepth review and a lot of investment opportunities we have not covered before.

The book is available in E-copy and costs $25. It will be available for purchase on Friday afternoon this week.

So the future is GOLD, we can add platinum, we can add chrome (we feature interesting stories of in our book), we can add diamonds in Angola but we cannot forget lithium and classify everything as Gold!


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Diaspora Matters

What business can you do in Malawi?


The traffic between Harare and Blantyre is increasing everyday, 5 years ago there was only bus plying the Harare-Blantyre route but the number of buses has increased to 3. The buses are Kynergy, TripTrans and ZUPCO. They leave Harare at 6:00am daily and arrive in Blantyre between 6:00pm and 7:00pm.

Cost of Transport: Buses cost US$25 or $30 Bond, all in hard cash form. If you choose to fly, there are daily flights for the route. Air Malawi flies everyday from Harare to Blantyre but with a 45 minute stopover in Lusaka.

Important Advice-Yellow Fever Card: Make sure that you carry a yellow fever vaccination card or face problems with Mozambique and Malawi Immigration officials.

Business Opportunities: Small scale

1.Buses travelling to Malawi from Harare are usually full with clothing material

2. Buses travelling from Malawi to Zimbabwe have Kilombero Rice and goods imported from a Chinese warehouse in Limbe

Business Opportunities: Large Scale

A lot of Zimbabwean consultants are doing business in Malawi in areas such as Agriculture, Engineering and Construction.

A number of great opportunities also exist for entrepreneurs and we will cover more of this in our book on Investment Opportunities coming out next week. Equally important are contact details of reliable people you can do business with in Blantyre. Our book is a collection of entrepreneurship stories and features some of our best read articles as well as previously unpublished material.


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Diaspora Matters

Lessons Learnt from Zvihuta Business


Its exactly 2 months before we commemorate 2 years since the banning of Zvihuta or Quail birds! Remember the Quail bird craze that took the country by storm in 2015/16 era? The business of keeping the small birds became an instant hit that created many opportunities for poultry farmers. Some abandoned rearing broiler chickens altogether in favour of the then trending zvihuta project. Some started training people to raise the birds, some made money from selling eggs and even leading retail shops such as TM and OK had the zvihuta meat and eggs on their shelves.

What made zvihuta a hit?

  • The project had been brought from UK and generally locals embrace all projects that come from there
  • The project had been a follow up of the sack potato project which had emanated from UK
  • The Quail had ‘Medicinal Cures’ -it was touted as a solution to many non communicable diseases

Some invested heavily in the project borrowing funds inorder to construct poultry runs to house the birds. The biggest beneficiaries were those who sold eggs and training institutes for quail projects. Then one day, the minister responsible for the sector intervened and confirmed that the medicinal benefits were a hoax-this marked the beginning of an end to a high flying project that had taken the country by storm!

What do we learn from the project?

  1. Projects that come from UK are generally accepted by locals
  2. The project had resemblance to a commodity Ponzi scheme, those who made the big funds were supplying eggs
  3. The scramble for the project showed the high interest in entrepreneurship by locals particularly agriculture
  4. Banks reviewing business plans failed on the ‘compliance with local laws and regulation‘ aspect. No-one checked whether the project had been cleared by relevant ministries
  5. Projects that affect the medical field are sensitive and investors should carefully check with relevant authorities
  6. The project’s success and viral spread was fuelled by Social Media

There are many more lessons, feel free to add, however the follow up project to the quail even spread at a faster rate and it is the now defunct MMM. Those who had been making money from zvihuta  shifted their focus to the money ponzi scheme before the spectacular collapse of the scheme which went off the cliff with more than US$6 million of depositors funds.

So on 16 April 2018, we will commemorate the end of the high riding income generating project that once took the country by storm. We will watch on the horizon for similar projects with traits similar to the zvihuta project.







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Diaspora Matters

Bitcoin thieves are back in town


At face value Bitcoin can earn great returns for investors. A legitimate investment business which is fast gaining recognition across the world. There is no going back on crypto currencies! However few know or can explain in simple terms how this currency came about, how people make or lose money. Where to buy it as well as where to use it. Where to report in terms of losses or who to sue.

The lack of the above crucial information is creating a gap for fraudsters who are now creating ponzi schemes where members of the public are invited to invest funds into a pool with promises of high interest returns. The end result is a significant number of people are losing money to con men! In a recent case which has been circulating on social media–close to $40,000 was lost to a conman who is on the run. His modus operandi was as follows:

  1. Invite members of the public to join a Bitcoin  Group
  2. Entice members with evidence of huge profits
  3. A few invest money and get hefty returns
  4. More people join and wire funds to him to invest on their behalf
  5. After everyone had transferred funds totaling $40,000 he disappears from the scene.

Attempts to track the culprit through use of his mobile money numbers do not bear  fruit as he had covered his tracks well by dubiously registering his number.

Lessons learnt

  • Attend Bitcoin awareness programs, learn more before investing.
  • Know well the risks and opportunities involved-do not give funds to anyone to invest on your behalf
  • Internet business is good but extremely risky, before parting money its important to phone the land line of the person you are sending money to, physically visit their premises if feasible. Distance increases risk and the more the distance between where you are based and where the person you are dealing with stays-the higher the risk.
  • Be on guard, treat everyone with suspicion especially on social media.
  • If it is too good to be believed then it probably is, use your gut instinct.

Do not lose out on opportunities in Bitcoin but be careful of fraudsters! About 99.9% of groups sprouting up on social media are created by fraudsters.




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Diaspora Matters

How To Create A Business Advert that Goes Viral


Do you remember the video of Julius Malema’s EFF and the H&M saga? That is a classic example of marketing gone wrong! Marketers had designed a controversial advert hoping to generate huge traffic through controversy-unfortunately it ended up stirring trouble across the globe and South Africa was not spared. You do not want such bad publicity when you are an entrepreneur because it can destroy your business overnight. So how does an entrepreneur create a business post or advert that goes viral without creating unnecessary controversy?

Our case study
The following post has been trending in Lesotho, Swaziland, South Africa,  Trinidad and Tobago, Namibia, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. We did post it on Wednesday evening  and the objective being for business followers to while up time and have fun. It also provided useful insights on Digital Marketing.

The question
Fast Thinking Required: What will be your best option?
Answer A: Stop
Answer B: Proceed.
Answer C: Reverse and drive Back.
Answer D: Hoot and scare the lions


Why did thousands of people respond to the above posts in different countries at the same time?

  • Emotions:It draws emotions (fear). Lions draw attention and bringing fear to most people-they represent danger!
  • Numbers Game: The fact that the number of lions is more magnifies the fear(emotions). If it was one lion…the response would have been minimal. The more the lions, the greater the danger and the greater the curiosity and responses.
  • Risk Taking Decision: The post asks one to make a decision which can be potentially dangerous (Possibility of getting killed or injured by the lions or the lions killing or injuring you)
  • Concerned Parties: Concerned parties in the adverts are animal lovers who are forced to respond due to the implication of the advert on animal issues. The implication of someone harming the lions is too ghastly to contemplate-perhaps this maybe the little controversial part of the advert.
  • Vulnerability: The vulnerability of the lone car brings emotions of empathy-will the person survive? One car versus more than 9 lions?
  • Real Life: You have been asked to be part of the action, you have to make a life saving hasty decision. You can therefore visualize yourself in this real life experience where the focus is on YOU with implications on YOU and NINE lions!
  • Its Science: We will explain the analysis above in  our book on investment opportunities coming at the end of next week

Science Behind Digital Marketing

The bottom line in Digital Marketing is that you would like to increase sales! You like to convert interest in an advert into sales for your business and not for people to just see posts or adverts. You therefore need to appreciate Traffic generation,Lead generation,Lead nurturing,Conversions and Measuring. Digital Marketing has a lot of science or art behind it as shown in our viral advert which went viral across the region. This is our third viral advert with the first one attracting millions of views leading to one of our most successful initiatives ever on rug making.

We will explain more on the art and science of designing adverts and also converting them into real business in our book on investment opportunities coming in a few days time. Its a book you pray that your competitors do not get hold of! More trainings on Digital Marketing coming during the month of February.We encourage you to attend trainings in your local areas, read books and research more on this interesting topic.

Below we feature a select few responses from the thousands of responses our posts received…Africans and citizens of Trinidad and Tobago indeed have a bagful humour!

South Africa

Andy Claude Moodley E …GET my mother-in-law to take of make-up and scare those beautiful cats

Simosakhe Chamane Park the car on the side of the road and walk toward the lion greet n play with them

Ntando Tdoz Ntuli Lions get distracted by noise so it will be D

Junaid Yunus Soni B – Coz I’ll be like you better move it or lose it, you vicious man-eating, obstruction-causing carnivores!!!

Erna Kauendji Well i just hope i wont have a breakdown or the engine catches fire. Strange things happen when it is least expected.

Nelson Natasen Spin that car right there , and get the hell out

Avela Tatakamzontsundu Tuta And sing the song (waphuma u Daniel )

Buda Motswiri Proceed nd rev the engine high,wil scare the lions


Dhiren Thakrar A. Its a rare sight so i would stop and enjoy the moment!


Zaheer Kara make the car fly over them lions like the Sci-Fi movies..problem solved

Cuthbert Chiumia B forward ever backward never no matter the storm stay focused on the goal

Nganya Munyithu Approach slowly. Get out of car and ask what’s for lunch today

Chikko Sekani If you are a trained driver then its not about best option its about what the rules or the laws say.

Fundo Chiwaula WG Go close, stop and step out of the car and greet them

Kambale Ulemu Continue moving forward at a high speed, ithawa yokha mikangoyo.

Smith Banda You just stop A I had the same scenario in mikumi national park in Tanzania I met 2 lions sleeping in the middle of the road at night I just stopped and waited for close to 15 minutes till they moved out of the road themselves.

Arrow Man None of the above. The best is is to stop . take a selfie with them lions . And post on social media captions ..#afewcandothis

Fumban Dicquez Drive slowly and talk to the lions nicely….they will pave way….kkkkkk


Jay Hedge Lions are strong but only relative to the animals they hunt. Unless you are driving an open-top car or a pick up without a canopy and there are passengers at the back, there’s absolutely no reason to fear this encounter. Its very unlikely that these lions will attack the car. Just keep the doors locked, windows up and approach at a slow speed while hooting gently. Surely they will move out of the way.

Yolande L Fourie Stop! Enjoy the moments! At the rate they are killed in Namibia , you will only be seeing them on the covers of some books soon.

Nancy Carine C. What if there are more waiting ahead?

Trevor Ncube Non of the such a fast big moving object,lions will go out of the road hence for safety of the car and lions one can hoot to give a warning of the incoming vehicle.

Shahbaz Ali Drive slow close to them take some pictures buye go Ahead ….?

Sandratjiuira Kapazu Kaurandua C….but if i have people at the back I will reverse n back..if nobody at the back the answer is C

Franz Tumuna E…will get out and scare them away

Bernice Grobler Sit and watch them for the whole time tbey are there

Werner Abraham Proceed but very fast and hold the steering very well and hoot, they will run away.

Werner Abraham If you happen to go for other option then you are finished, if you proceed fast and hoot, they will run for their life, they will see that this coming thing is also serious, they will not have other option other then to run away, remember that they are also alive and can be in fear also.


Ituri Ole Semuliki Approach the lions in full speed, lights on hooting @ 100kph.

Oni Kappisy Mutelele I was once in such a situation….. Just drive proceed slowly

Andy Mphande Make sure the windows are closed and drive at a fast good speed so that you don’t crush otherwise it’s tricky

Godfrey Nchemba Show the lions you are man enough. Come out of the car and say hello. . Politely ask them to give you way. Kwamana. All the best.

Ntombi Dlamini E. Drive like Schumacher and see what happens

Kamfwa Mubanga Hamooya D, lions are not like elephants. Elephants you stop wether you like it or not.

Davies Lunda Lions are not so scary, you just drive by_passing them at a moderate speed but keep on honking

Musa Kalinda If you have been to Dar es salaam before we pass through a park called mikumi……thy always come by the road side….just stop and do not anything….stay put no noise…..A distance away….thy leave the road eventually.

Musa Kalinda I have been in such an encounter before…..basically stop thy go out of the road…..just stay a distance away

Andy Mphande Make sure the windows are closed and drive at a fast good speed so that you don’t crush otherwise it’s tricky

Mokgadinyanasheerly Sheerly To get out of the car and dance
Oratilwe Jnr Trullybotlhok B:proceed dia tlwaela ha go tshamekelwe mo tseleng!!
Ash WL WamoRollers Bojosi Non of the answers is correct, in this situation u just approach slowly, the lions give u a way to pass
Boitshepo Marotela mhhhh,nna ke fologa ntlha Daniel nne a dula le ditau mme tsa ska tsa mo ja!!!
David Xole Sethatho None of the above. Get out of the car & scare the lions away.
Monkgogi Christian Gaotolwe 180.!!!!shoot!!str8!!eta bona yone gore ha ele bogoma le botshelo ja yone e ithopelang.hare dilo tse di bothale di dira ka bomo
Fockney Erasmus D akre gatwe hoot and scare them di tla tshoga e bo di siya..
Mmaago Marang Kante why d?a e katswa mo tseleng e ntshiwa ke hooter
Trinidad and Tobago
Saran Adama Richards A then D if the lions move then B if they dont then C!!!
Dwayne Honore E speed up to 135 and run over them HELLS there not gona stop me from reaching my destination… lol
Johnathon Pryce Mash gas flow it
Aishwarya Maki D first then C
Starr Boss D, i eh stoping dey is more ah pressing on da pedal
Shony Cudjoe Only wicked ppl go bounce dem reverse bck or scoot dem simple
Manson Robert Damian I would roll up my windows and drive up slowly to see the upclose
Manson Robert Damian I would proceed
Butleng Ntoampe Reverse li ka u jelella le koloi eo
Wadada Black Makoanyane Exceleration to the last gear
Mahlatsi Wabo Kataneng Ngi shaya i u-turn
Carlson T. Henson Floor the accelerator. I’m gonna drive straight into them, whether they move or not would be their prob
Thuglee Eem-Emir Thakghodi Exeleration to the last gear,nka li chaisa
Pule Maanela Stop and watch it does not happen many times
Unclepaul Chakafa What a nonsensical scenario
Lekholo Junior Sello Muhammed Nka tswa ka mono se ke nkile lebetlela ke thonape majwe a 4 ke khaile meotlwana ena

Phila M Pid D, B and wave. Ow but first close da windows

Phumlile Tee C,uma wake wabukela this movie leyashootwa eKruger national park titokudla tintfo leti tilindze nalamatsambo bangakhoni kuwatsatsa,Yeee kahle

Cbk Dlamini stop, come out of the car and chaise them away

Hopeson Mumba Open the window to let the air in..kk

Lethu Ngwenya I will buy all the lions

Thembekani Myalo Shongwe hand brake turn

Fiona Seilbea A and take pics

Sean Miles Close the windows and stop


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