Good morning dear forumites, today we meet again and look at the lucrative business of car parts for second hand vehicles imported from Japan. In Zim estimates put the number of second hand Japanese vehicles at more than 3 million in Zimbabwe and the question that immediately comes to mind is;
Who provides service kits and car parts for these vehicles?
Cdes and friends you too can benefit from this industry. At the present moment its only our good brothers from West Africa who benefit and the reason why they benefit is due to trust and working together. You will have to work as a team in order to raise capital requirements of up to $40-$60k.
Our brothers from West Africa source these car parts from mostly Dubai and other Middle East countries, East Asia is also included in the equation.
So what do you need to do?
1.Get into groups where you trust each other, ideally workmates, church mates or relatives, pool resources and find out the process of importing car parts.
2.Develop marketing strategies for your car parts -consider selling car parts on credit(something our brothers from West Africa are currently not doing as they insist on cash upfront)
So all the best to you this industry is not as complicated as you think.Expect returns of more than 100%…industry would suit diasporans.
Good luck