The ZBIN SME Forum is a leading non-political, non-governmental and non trade association, initiative for Small and Medium Entrepreneurs in Southern Africa. With over 80,000 members and over 10,000 registered SMEs in South Africa and Zimbabwe, the forum was founded in May 2014 and registered under trust deed MA 000457/2017, the forum helps to nurture entrepreneurship and supporting innovative, globally competitive, SMEs in Zimbabwe and South Africa. The Forum works on enabling entrepreneurs to share best practices, mentorship and capacity building.
The mission of ZBIN SME forum is to help members and the community at large with access to opportunities information, access to capital, access to markets and the promotion of effective networking. The forum is divided into Non profit sector providing free SME resources and the Commercial sector helping small businesses in areas such as strategic development facilitation, financial management, human resources management, risk management, digital marketing, graphic designing, website development branding, business tours, financial literacy training and business plans.
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