The nation is going through an important phase of voter registration, a new voters roll is being compiled and it is going to be used in the harmonised elections that will be held next year. A crucial exercise that all citizens should participate in especially young voters. Young voters play a crucial role because they now constitute close to 67% of the population.
The voter registration exercise needs a lot of fun and should be engaging inorder to entice the young voters who traditionally shun politics. ZBIN is therefore inviting innovative young Zimbos who are techno savvy to develop a voter registration app that helps the nation in the following ways:
- Location of all voter registration centres
- Times of registration
- Voter registration requirements
- Voter registration counter which counts number of days before closure of the registration period
- Planning schedule to enable users to plan to register
- Question and Answer Section
So there you are young Zimbos, help your nation with developing an app for voter registration. Lets show the immense talent that exists within Zim. Lets develop a model that can be used by other countries.