One of our objectives is to ensure that our members have access to information on available opportunities in their areas. As a regional platform, we have a vibrant Basotho Community on Facebook as well as on Whatsapp and would like to share with our members some of the opportunities from BEDCO, The Basotho Entreprise Development Corporation. Below we feature an advert from BEDCO and encourage our members to apply.
We are pleased to partner with Standard Lesotho Bank in hosting expo extended sessions for SMEs at the recently launched enterprise hub. This world class hub will house at least 30 registered start-up exhibitors who will receive an intense and intimate session on various aspects of the business development including finance, marketing&branding, legal and public speaking.
Register for a fully funded stall with BEDCO to be eligible for this great opportunity. Limited stalls available. Call 22216100 to secure your stall.

More interested in shaggy mats making as i was one of the trainees and would love to see this group of women expending. All thanx to Zim business ideas and network. #Madala wa Rue change more lives and bring down unemployment in Africa.
Lesotho is one of them and we hope to see u again in the next level.
Viva Lesotho!!
Thank you very much Pontseng, you made it possible and made the training a memorable event. Now real work begins with a lot of follow ups as we establish successful business ventures by women in Lesotho and Southern Africa. Hoping to see the wonderful Mountain Kingdom exporting excellent quality carpets and helping to create employment in the process. May the Almighty Bless you-we hope to come back and witness remarkable improvement and realisation of the goals of all of our trainees.