Good Evening Investors: From the Inbox :Hi Iam planning to have a small bakery in one of the rural areas around Harare, can this be a break through business considering the role of big players like Lobels and Bakers Inn in the game.
Forum Responses
Amos Chimwani Yah u will make money but it just depends on how u plan to do your stuff considering kuti the dollar a loaf is overpriced .You can just make fresh bread for half the price, focus on pushing volumes, enter new towns coz the other thing bout business is creating a good customer base, quality product and right pricing
Amos Chimwani And also the other thing get into farming so as to cut the costs of sourcing your stuff elsewhere like floor.just try to be the one who provides the raw materials than the secondary stuff elsewhere
Francis Mguni Madhlala Its a good idea haumbonyuri wena unotangira pasi zvinoita wena
George Nyawo Armed with a proper market research, quality product, right pricing and customer care strategies you will definitely make it.
Petro Mawire Zvidzayi Great idea buda, have been planning to tackle the same project as well.
Shyreen Muringai bakery has been a good business do your calculation very well and thorough market research zvataurwa nevamwe uko zvinoita wena.
Anesuishe Chiwaya I like the idea that you already have a nice market, the likes of Lobels and proton wont be a heavy burden to your business if you play your game very well. Try not to produce bread only, supply a number of different bakery products. Be strict on the quality of your products and make connections with some shop owners around the area and make deals to supply them with bakery products that way you make sure of a steady cash income and a continued operation. All the best pal
Francis Munangwa In a country with an industry capacity utilization of below thirty percent all business ideas can be good ideas. The weight of a person is not significant on its own; it is only significant when a comparison is made with his weight, height, sex etc. It is how you’re going to do it which is important. Do you have something new which you have, are you focusing on people or money, do you have the passion etc. Rainbow Beverages, then led by Brian Mutandiro entered the beverages sector which was heavily dominated by Delta. They had a good product, Mr Juicy, which became a threat to Delta’s dominance. Delta destroys this brand in a manner which to me was economic sabotage; they bought it and discontinued production. The bigger players can be ruthless. You should also do a proper research as bread production has moved from small bakeries to big bakeries because of economies of scale. Bakers Inn has centralized production and this reduces the production cost. The most important thing is you need to understand that business advice is not a hobby, quality advice is offered for a fee as there is no fit all advice. We can all advise you to try it because we have nothing to lose. Everyone wants to be viewed as positive but personally I’m not comfortable making a decision during the absence of a Devil’s Advocate.
Prisca Ncube Musere very good points there Francis !!!
King Krayza Bee thank you guys, i thing i got a balanced discussion on both sides of a coin. I will consider your views and i hope to come up with a best solution
Livingstone Muringai l believe you can make it my brother and u need the right people to work with especially when u are starting. l have been in bakery industry for about 15years and it needs good strategies and patience. I am willing to assist you. Inbox
Shakespeare Matandanure I think proper business strategies must be carried especially marketing research, to evaluate success and competitive edges ,