By now you should have seen a pattern…ZBIN does not run out of ideas when it comes to opportunities identification!This is something that now runs naturally in our blood. From May 2017 more ideas will be shared with registered members but for now we will continue giving out ideas to the nation irrespective of your membership status.
Today let us take a closer look at the transport industry. The Kombis market is over saturated-Some say every new opportunity in Zimbabwe has a lifespan of 3 months. You can make profits in a sector for 3 months before competitors enter the field and wipe away profits.This assertion is however debatable because there are certain sectors where players have been active for years earning above average profits.
So our case study is the Transport Industry looking specifically at trucks for driving schools. We have left out trucks for hire to other sectors its risky. Unless you have reliable people to run or over see transport business projects-kungonyudza mari as you will be conned!
We have chosen trucks for hire out to driving schools because the demand for driving is still high despite current economic challenges. Charges in Harare vary from $250-$400 week. No need to worry of fuel costs or drivers phoning saying that the vehicle has been impounded. No worries of drivers hiring out the vehicle without your knowledge.
So if you are thinking of shipping trucks to Zim then this is an area you need to look closely at. In future ZBIN will compile a list of driving schools so that you can easily get in touch with them.
Wishing you a blessed weekend