Diaspora Matters

Investment Options for $50,000 Capital Outlay


The ZBIN constantly gets inquiries from members about available investment opportunities in the country. Our advice to them is to consider critical issues such as the investment horizon. Do not be short sighted and only analyse available opportunities as they may only exists in the short run. Do look far ahead and have 5 year projections  an analyze current Government legislation, regional and industry trends. In short, do have a holistic approach to investment if a gap exists now, will it continue to exist in the 5-10 year period?

Below we feature one of the requests from our members and responses from the forum.

Guys ndeipi kuri sei kumabasa. Please ndodawo kubvunza something if one would invest kuZimbabwe angaite invest in which sector. Or if someone wants to invest into business kuZimbabwe anagite business in which sector. I am doing a little and humbled research kuti ndikwanise kuunganidza njere and come up to a decision. So vachabatsira nemazano ndinotenda in advance. Ndezvipi zvinhu zviri kubhadhara kuZimbabwe. For example inini I have an idea yekuti ndikawana donor funding ndogona kuvhurisa a private school kumusha kwedu nekuti haaaa mitunhu ichiri kufambwa nevana yakakurisisa. At the same time budget ngatitii its US$50K and donor need to be part of this income generating project. Thanx nevachabatsira

Justice Mungwini Getting donor funds usina chawakatanga chatove viable is very difficult…and i think donors dont get involved in business ventures BUT charity work

Ngonidzashe Musonza #Justice Mungwini point taken but the fact remains and the question unanswered. With USD$50K what investment can i do in Zimbabwe

Leonard Justin Farming pasina irrigation unonyura.Also prices on the market are not certain

Ngonidzashe Musonza Animal husbandry maybe a solution in the sense of farming considering the fact of weather pattern s being unpredictable

Leonard Justin Private school kumusha?.Have you considered disposable income of this market segment

Titus Musendo Considering the risk in Zimbabwe, with $50k don’t put your eggs in one basket, my two cents!

Vts Macd Get a commercial stand then build shops for letting out.

Tori Elles Mum Does it really have to be Zimbabwe only? Have you tried to research on Moz and Malawi? Why Zimbabwe because the reason that its home is not good enough a reason to invest back here at the moment. A pvt school in the rurals that’s not charity ummm

Tello Muzavazi a private school is too risk especially kumusha-animal husbandry may sound good but frst research about tht market movements frst

Wellins Chimusimbe Its pointless investing in Zim if you are not a politician or politically linked. Got an American friend who wanted to partner me for a venture in Zim but after doing research on nitty gritties of doing business in Zim as a foreigner coupled with current economic meltdown e.g failure to get one’s funds from the bank,she has since turned her mind to investing in Zambia

Trust Nyaguse 50 k buy a company with building non runner gear up for operations after 2017 this time unonyudza ukavaka chikoro vana vakasabhadhara hauchabvumirwa kuvadzinga chero chikoro chiri chako.

Tori Elles Mum By the way what are you passionate about coz whatever idea you might get if its in the field you are not passionate about you may be doomed as there are always challenges and set backs with every business venture but its your passion plus vision that will keep you pushing until you reap the rewards. I take it you are not an investor anongoinvesta in others passions and lets his money work for him but this will be your all. Dai wataura zvaunofarira first.

Dylan Jemwa Tiger They are many projects you can invest in look outside the box for instance fishfarming beekeeping etc

Mai Anashe Tagwirei Mining don’t go there , u die

Chamunorwa WeDare ReGorekore ingotenga zvigero zvako ikoko wouya woita Barber ka one.Munhu wechigayo chaiye haasi kuita mari kunge ya barber

Nyasha Nigel farming (especially tobacco), or mining . but needs you to be physically involved

Ngonidzashe Musonza Hie guys i am very pleased ne maideas enyu and ne help yenyu. Well my passion inini ndeyekutenga ma properties. Now with this money i think its a wise decision if i invest ndotenga dzimba and rent them out. I am thinking of buying dzimba in areas like Highfields, Mufakose, Kambuzuma so that mdotsvaga vagara vanoda kuroja. Hamenowo zvamunofunga. This is my passion

Dougie Douglas Construction industry most dependable in Zim

Vts Macd Business redzimba for now harisi kunyatsopa mareturns ari reasonable. The only good part of a building is that haiori zvayo kana Zim yava bhoo vanhu vouyawo kuzoshanda mumaguta vakawanda market icha picka.

Nkosi Brian Buy a little farm, invest in capital goods ipapo murizii Greenhouse, zvemushroom apo, mombe dze milk apo ne pema grains. Borehole ne tank hombe. Motenga hat seyangu ne motorbike rekutenderera pa farm. Wifi moisa yekuzotipawo ma picture acho tichiisa ma likes hedu

Nkosi Brian Plus zvoda kwamuine passion. That will compel you. Or kutsvaga ane experience ne knowledge though pachida kungwara senyoka nekupfawa senjiva cause mozviwanira tsotsi. Find a good consultant in the area yama chooser .

Mai Mrehwa you can never go wrong with real estate. buy as many properties as you can now zvichakachipa




Ntate Victor

The author Ntate Victor

Ntate Victor is a Chartered Management Accountant, ACMA, CGMA and an award winning business coach and consultant. Author of 6 books and skilled in financial analysis, strategic planning, risk management, and business coaching. Contact +263 773 055 063